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August 2002Professional Development1 FY02 Business Plan Vice President Professional Development Colin Morris August 26, 2002.

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1 August 2002Professional Development1 FY02 Business Plan Vice President Professional Development Colin Morris August 26, 2002

2 August 2002Professional Development2 Outline Introduction Vision Short-term (1 Year) Mid-term (2-3 Years) Measures of success

3 August 2002Professional Development3 Vision Chapter Vision Promote professionalism in project management Promote project management as a profession Execute both of the above ‘by example’ Professional Development Vision also includes Promote the professional growth of PMI-SOC members by ensuring that there are sufficient and varied learning opportunities available Promote professionalism by ensuring that Universities, Community Colleges and other learning establishments have a common focus for project management

4 August 2002Professional Development4 Introduction Responsibilities –PMI-SOC PMP exam preparation review courses –safeguarding PMP review course materials –certification and re-certification information and assistance –recommending, promoting, developing and delivering PM education material, courses and presentations for members at all levels of experience –liaising with other educational organizations and chapters –PDU control –minimising cost for members purchasing PM texts

5 August 2002Professional Development5 Short-Term (1 Year) Goals High level objectives for the year 1. Provision of information, guidance and opportunities to assist Chapter Members obtain PMP Certification 2. Provision of information, guidance and opportunities to assist Chapter Members obtain PMP Re-Certification 3. Identifying and publicizing Project Management education opportunities in Greater Toronto 4. Initiation of Coordinated Project Management education in Greater Toronto Area. 5. First steps towards Project Management as a Profession in Ontario

6 August 2002Professional Development6 Short-Term Tasks 1. Continue to find volunteers to participate with Professional Development 2.Continue to establish location and facilitators for PMP Exam Review Sessions; market sessions 3. Continue to identify and arrange Continuing Education topics, presenters and locations; market presentations 4. Ensure that up-to-date certification and re-certification requirements are publicized to members 5. Establish procedures for awarding and recording PDUs 6. Publish and update directory of PM courses

7 August 2002Professional Development7 Short-Term Projects Update and publicise a Directory of Project Management Courses in Greater Toronto Area and ensure that the directory is available to SOC members and others Establish regular Continuing Education Presentations

8 August 2002Professional Development8 Short-Term Resources Volunteers –Continuing Education Committee - approx 7 –Project Management Course Listing - 1 –PMP Review Facilitators-11 Fall, 11 Winter, 11 Spring, 1 Coordinator –Southern Ontario Education Council possibly coordinator in 2003 Bond Resources –Registration and Book Ordering and Distribution for PMP Exam Review Sessions. Registration for Continuing Education presentations. Money –$200 Refreshments for Education Council (funded by Review Sessions), Possible Travel Costs re Ontario Profession –Profl Development contributes to Chapter

9 August 2002Professional Development9 Short-Term Budget Detail Revenue Total $102,000 –PMP Exam Review $63,000 –PMP Exam Review Books $19,000 –Continuing Education$20,000 Expenses$ 63,000 –PMP Exam Review$24,000 –PMP Exam Review Books$25,000 –Continuing Education$12,000 –Ontario Profession$ 2,000 Note: This is a change from earlier submission - increased surplus

10 August 2002Professional Development10 Short Term – Proposed Organization Professional Development

11 August 2002Professional Development11 Mid-Term (2-3 years) Goals 1. Establishment of a Southern Ontario Project Management Education Council to ensure that PM Courses in Universities and Community Colleges are in sync with PMBOK and PMP Certification 2. Expand involvement of local providers to ensure SOC members have opportunities to be up-to-date in PM practices 3. 60 % of Chapter members are PMPs 4. Re-Certification of all Certified PMPs 5. Maintain PMP Exam Review Sessions, Continuing Education Seminars, Directory and PDU Records

12 August 2002Professional Development12 Mid-Term (2-3 years) Projects 1. Encourage PMI to bring the annual PMI Symposium to Toronto 2.. Obtain recognition of Project Management as a profession within the province of Ontario

13 August 2002Professional Development13 Long-Term (>3 years) Goals Encourage other Provinces to follow Ontario’s lead in establishing Project Management as a Profession Major resource requirements will be the likely need of an expanded office to manage the profession of Project Management in Ontario

14 August 2002Professional Development14 Measures of Success No. of PMPs in SOC - new and re-certified No. of Volunteers and PDUs awarded for Professional Development Activities SOC sponsored Seminars Attendees per Year at PMP Exam Review courses Attendees at Continuing Education Presentations Updated Published Directory of PM courses PDU records up-to-date Identified meetings of the Southern Ontario Project Management Education Council

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