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Copyright, Gerry Quinn & Mick Keough, 1998 Please do not copy or distribute this file without the authors’ permission Experimental Design & Analysis Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright, Gerry Quinn & Mick Keough, 1998 Please do not copy or distribute this file without the authors’ permission Experimental Design & Analysis Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright, Gerry Quinn & Mick Keough, 1998 Please do not copy or distribute this file without the authors’ permission Experimental Design & Analysis Presentation graphs

2 Bar graph top of bar represents single observation or mean x-axis categorical different bars for different groups

3 Bar graph Survey 5 Survey 4 Site Mean number of Cellana per quadrat Site Mean

4 Category or line plot each symbol represents single observation or mean x-axis categorical but quantitative lines often join plotting symbols

5 Multiple groups on scatterplots 020406080100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 020406080100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 % cover of Hormosira Number of Cellana Sorrento Cheviot Beach Sorrento Cheviot Beach

6 Depicting error or variability Plotting sample means Use an error bar for each mean Error bars can be: –standard deviation to indicate sample variability –standard error or confidence interval to indicate precision around mean Error bars are symmetrical and can be one sided or two sided

7 Error bars cbcpecpwrrsspfplb 0 10 20 30 40 Site Mean (+SE) number of Cellana per quadrat + 1 standard error

8 Error bars overlap each other and symbols

9 Largest and smallest error bar

10 Design of presentation graphics Make data stand out - avoid “chart-junk” Use visually prominent elements to show data Do not overlap graph elements –tick marks outside –use error bars carefully Avoid 3-d graphs for 2-d data

11 0 5 10 15 20 25 1234567891 0 Cheviot Beach Sorrento Survey Mean number of limpets per quadrat symbols lie on axis tick marks overlap symbols legend clutters graph symbols too small line styles indistinguishable

12 12345678910 0 5 15 20 25 30 Mean number of limpets per quadrat Survey Cheviot BeachSorrento “zero” marks indented tick marks outside legend outside frame clearly visible & distinguishable symbols & lines

13 Pie charts

14 Inappropriate 3-d graph Site spslbrrcbcpecpwfpe 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Mean density of limpets

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