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Graphing. South Carolina Standards PS-1.5 Organize and interpret the data from a controlled scientific investigation by using mathematics (including formulas.

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Presentation on theme: "Graphing. South Carolina Standards PS-1.5 Organize and interpret the data from a controlled scientific investigation by using mathematics (including formulas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphing

2 South Carolina Standards PS-1.5 Organize and interpret the data from a controlled scientific investigation by using mathematics (including formulas and dimensional analysis) graphs, models, and/or technology.

3 Communicating With Graphs Graphs are used as a visual display of data. There are 3 major types of graphs.

4 Bar Graphs Useful in showing information collected by counting.

5 Pie Graph Useful in showing some fixed quantity broken down into parts or percents. Must add up to equal 100%.

6 Line Graphs Useful in showing trends or continuous changes.

7 How to Construct a Line Graph Identify the Variables (DRY MIX) –Dependent Responding Variable goes on the y-axis (vertical) –Independent Manipulated Variable goes on the x-axis (horizontal) Determine the Variable Range of Numbers Determine the Scale of the Graph Number and Label Each Axis Draw the Graph Title the Graph

8 Interpolate Using data inside your known points to calculate where unknown data would fit. Changes in Oxygen Levels Over Time

9 Extrapolate Predicting unknown data beyond a set of known points by extending a trend or line pattern. Total Yearly Home Runs for the Fort Mill Yellow Jackets 1953 - 1969

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