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2004-05 Primary Medical Services Allocations to PCTs.

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Presentation on theme: "2004-05 Primary Medical Services Allocations to PCTs."— Presentation transcript:

1 2004-05 Primary Medical Services Allocations to PCTs

2 Finance Directorate Resource Allocation PMS Team GMS Team Unified Allocation Team

3 2004-05 Primary Medical Services Friday 6 February PCTs notified of their Primary Medical Services allocation. Allocations will be made by 1 April 2004. No change between notification and actual allocation. Further funds to be allocated in addition to £4.3bn.

4 2004-05 Primary Medical Services Allocation Resources PCT Primary Medical Services Allocation is £4.3bn in total. PCTs will control 78.5% of total NHS budget in 2004-05. 81% once in-year allocations from central budgets have been made.

5 2004-05 Primary Medical Services Allocations Breakdown - England £m Global Sum/MPIG (1) 1,805 Appraisal (1) 17 Premises (2) 329 IT (2) 64 Enhanced Services (1) 108 PCT Administered Funds (1) 89 Quality Preparation (2) 29 PMS (3) 1,817 Total4,258 (1) GMS only (2) GMS and PMS (3) PMS only

6 2004-05 Primary Medical Services Allocations Funding Streams Covered in Allocation: Global Sum and minimum practice income guarantee Appraisal Premises IT Enhanced Services (including PCT Enhanced Services Floor) PCT Administered Funds Quality Preparation Payments Personal Medical Services

7 2004-05 PCT Primary Medical Services Allocations Funding Streams Not Covered in Allocation: Quality and Outcomes Framework Out of Hours PA and Dispensing (different for PMS) Recruitment and Retention Sabbaticals Premises Growth Funding Pensions Contributions: - 7% indexation - increased cost of pension contributions

8 2004/05 Process To Determine Allocations

9 Key Documents Guidance circulated in December 2003 - Delivering Investment in General Practice - Sustaining Innovation through New PMS Arrangement HSC 2000/12 Unified Allocations - Primary Care Trust Revenue Resource Limits 2003/04, 2004/05 & 2005/06 HSC 2004/003 - Primary Medical Services Allocations 2004/05 Allocation Working Papers related to Primary Medical Services Allocation 2004/05

10 List of AWPs (1)

11 List of AWPs (2)

12 Key Messages Allocation to support delivery of General Medical Services and Personal Medical Services. 2004-05 allocation is non-recurrent. At this stage the intention to make it recurrent and form part of unified allocations. PCTs will receive cash and resource limited allocations for commissioning Primary Care services. These funds will be allocated as part of the Primary Medical Services Allocation for April 2004.

13 The resource limit adjustment is equal to the allocation. A negative resource limit adjustment will be actioned to recover GMS cash-limited funding for practice staff, premises and IT. Previous GMS non-discretionary arrangements will cease. PCTs will be expected to manage the Primary Medical Services allocation alongside unified allocations to meet key national and local service targets. PCTs will have a responsibility to live within their overall cash and resource limited allocation.

14 Summary One Funding Stream to PCTs to manage alongside other funding streams eg. Unified Allocation. Links in PCTs between, policy, implementation, funding and delivery - whole picture. Funding no longer held at the Centre. Roles, responsibilities and relationships.

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