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Help, Learn & Discover University of Alberta. What is Help, Learn & Discover? ✤ HLD is a volunteer organization that provides post-secondary students.

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Presentation on theme: "Help, Learn & Discover University of Alberta. What is Help, Learn & Discover? ✤ HLD is a volunteer organization that provides post-secondary students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Help, Learn & Discover University of Alberta

2 What is Help, Learn & Discover? ✤ HLD is a volunteer organization that provides post-secondary students with opportunities to shadow medical doctors and dentists, and/or volunteer constructing homes in rural Ecuador. ✤ Each year HLD volunteers fundraise for and construct approximately 20 homes in rural Ecuadorian communities for families in need. ✤ Over the past ten years HLD has fundraised almost $1 million dollars, for rural housing projects and pro bono surgeries.

3 What does the University of Alberta HLD Group do? ✤ We are a new student group at the University of Alberta. ✤ The student group will focus on fundraising throughout the year for the rural housing project. ✤ September--Salsa Fundraiser ✤ November--Bake Sale ✤ December--Sock Drive for Inner City Populations (Sponsored by Boutique Hostel 593 in Quito, Ecuador)

4 What can U of A HLD do for you? ✤ Low commitment, volunteer opportunity to expand your skill set ✤ Reference letters and tracked volunteer hours ✤ Opportunities for leadership roles ✤ Way to meet new people!

5 Explanation ✤ To be a member of this club there is NO obligation to travel to Ecuador but should you wish to all of your fundraising efforts until which point you are accepted will be added to your final fundraising total.

6 Volunteer Video ✤

7 Follow Us ✤ Sign up to volunteer and join our mailing list! ✤ Follow us on facebook (University of Alberta Help, Learn & Discover) ✤ Follow HLD on facebook, instagram, pinterest, google plus ✤

8 Questions?

9 Information Session ✤ Tuesday November 18th 5:00pm ✤ CAB 357 ✤ Learn more about our tours!


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