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By – Parikshit Singh Vibhor Badoni (Executive Members )

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1 By – Parikshit Singh Vibhor Badoni (Executive Members )

2  The cultural club hereafter referred to as ‘SANSKRITI’ as it was so named by the club members, was constituted on 10 th of February2010.  New executive committee was selected on 09/09/2010.

3  The Endeavour of cultural club is to harness the hidden potential of officer trainees on one hand and to keep alive the cultural traditions of India  The club endeavors to develop a sense of appreciation for cultural diversity, to harmonize these diversities and head towards unity in purpose i.e. Fraternity and excellence.

4  The club is the focal point of the various cultural activities that takes place in our campus-from inception to execution  To provide a platform for the budding talent of the officer trainees.  Promote espirit-de-corps and camaraderie among the OTs during various group performances.

5 V ALEDICTORY FUNCTION OF 62 ND BATCH –“ A AHVAN ”  Presided by Shri Pranab Mukherjee.  Major Highlight of this program was that in a single cultural evening more than 70 Officer Trainees participated with full enthusiasm and energy showcasing diverse talent and skill sets, which was unparallel in the history of N.A.D.T.

6  MILAP – Recently Officer Trainees of Customs & Central Excise and IA &AS visited the campus and it culminated into MILAP –a cultural evening which was a confluence of cultural affinities and the higher purpose was to increase interaction among fellow service officers. The OTs of all the three services came out with various initiatives.  Organizing cultural programmes on various festivals like Pongal, Lohri, Holi, Id..etc

7  Moksha  The rock band which bloomed under the umbrella of cultural club was another feather in the cap.  First rock band in the history of IRS.  This is the first rock band to have performed live in “ Aahvaan”, “ Milap” and “ Parichay” – various cultural programmes.

8  Conducting music classes for Officer Trainees who are interested in learning various musical instruments like Guitar, Keyboard, Tabla, Dhol and Harmonium etc.  Procurement of new musical instruments for Officer Trainees as per their choice and requirement.

9  SALSA CLASESS  This was a unique initiative undertaken by the cultural club where officer trainees had an opportunity to learn salsa inside NADT campus by trained professionals at minimal cost.

10  DJ Night  The DJ Night is organized in N.A.D.T campus from time to time by the assistance of cultural club in collaboration with the Hobbies Secretary.

11  Organizing musical concerts and programmes by distinguished artists.  Spic- macay is a feather in the cap of cultural club

12  Recently India Day celebration was organized by much fanfare.  Its highlight being first ever Dhol performance at NADT campus by Officer Trainee of 63 rd batch,IRS.


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