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Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service

2 Today is Thursday, September 24 Day 1

3 Would you like to see how your teachers spent their summer vacations? Come to Teachers' Travel Tales on October 6, from 6:30 to 8:30. This event is open to the public and details on registration will be available next week. Mark your calendars!

4 The first Girls Who Code meeting will be on Monday after school from 2:45 until 4:30 in room J101. Check with Ms Blackmond for the code to join the Girls Who Code edmodo group for updates.

5 Final Try-outs for Forensics will be help this Thursday and Friday after school in room J303. If you cannot make either of these dates and have not had a chance to audition, please see Mrs. Rinkacs or Mr. MacDonald as soon as possible.

6 Freshmen interested in joining the Model UN Club should attend a meeting immediately after school on Monday in room J303. Please see Mrs. Rinkacs if you have any questions.

7 Tennis Scores The scores are below. On Wednesday September 23rd, OC played an away match against Woodland Hills. Oakland won with a clean sweep 5-0. First Singles: Giovanna Elo vs. Madison Chontod 6-1, 7-5 Second Singles: Natalie Cyterski vs. Nicole Matthews 6-0, 6-2 Third Singles: Melanie Long vs. Ella Krings 6-0, 6-1 First Doubles: Abby Staskiewicz & Hannah Collins vs. Claire Bachtell & Ariana Nelson 6-0, 6-2 Second Doubles: Bella Possino & Emma Hoover vs. Natalya Marinch & Allie Mroczkowski 6-0, 6-0 Our Second Doubles team went undefeated. Exhibition Doubles: Olivia Kolesar & Grace Covatto- won The scores are below. On Wednesday September 23rd, OC played an away match against Woodland Hills. Oakland won with a clean sweep 5-0. First Singles: Giovanna Elo vs. Madison Chontod 6-1, 7-5 Second Singles: Natalie Cyterski vs. Nicole Matthews 6-0, 6-2 Third Singles: Melanie Long vs. Ella Krings 6-0, 6-1 First Doubles: Abby Staskiewicz & Hannah Collins vs. Claire Bachtell & Ariana Nelson 6-0, 6-2 Second Doubles: Bella Possino & Emma Hoover vs. Natalya Marinch & Allie Mroczkowski 6-0, 6-0 Our Second Doubles team went undefeated. Exhibition Doubles: Olivia Kolesar & Grace Covatto- won

8 The Chinese Moon Festival, the 2nd most important day of the year in China, is on Sunday the 27th and Chinese club wants to celebrate! We will meet on Thursday, the 24th in room G09 for games, videos, stories, and yummy Chinese food, including moon cakes. The meeting will be right after school. Hope to see you there!

9 French Club The first French Club meeting will be this Thursday, September 24, after school in room 208 (Madame Valescant’s room). You do not need to be taking French to join!

10 "We are starting a monthly Instagram photo contest! Each month you will be given a theme to take a picture of and post on Instagram. A prize will be awarded to the photographer of the best photo each month. This month's theme is "Selfie with a Teacher"! To qualify you must 1. Be following OC on Instagram @ochseagles 2. Tag @ochseagles in your photo and 3. use #OCteacher [Teachers if you do not wish to participate please let your students know]. Pictures must be posted no later than Thursday at 8pm. A winner will be selected by the Advancement Office and posted this Friday! Happy posting!"

11 Latin club will be having its first meeting after school on Thursday, September 24th in room 213 (Ms. Day’s room). You do not need to be taking Latin to join! Latin club will be having its first meeting after school on Thursday, September 24th in room 213 (Ms. Day’s room). You do not need to be taking Latin to join!

12 Interested in rowing? Come down to the Millvale Boathouse this Thursday September 24th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm for an open house to learn more about the team. All students are welcome! For more information contact Mrs. Joan Carcillo at Interested in rowing? Come down to the Millvale Boathouse this Thursday September 24th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm for an open house to learn more about the team. All students are welcome! For more information contact Mrs. Joan Carcillo at

13 Any student interested in joining FBLA, please come to the meeting to get more information. We will be discussing membership requirements, and Region and State competition If you can’t make the meeting but are interested, email Mrs. Maxwell at

14 College Visits

15 Attention Ping Pong Players! The CCHS ping pong club has started. We will be playing Tuesday and Thurs of this week in the Central Gym.. Novice Players are welcome!

16 The following students were accepted to CMU's Girls of Steel Robotics Team for this school year: Margaret Begg, Mulin Chen, Rozie Fero, Madelyn Human, Isabella Salvi, Mikayla Trost Congratulations!!

17 Athletic Events Thursday, September 24 The Volleyball team travels to Armstrong Friday, September 25 th The Tennis team plays West Mifflin Saturday, September 26 th Volleyball has a tournament at Moon The Cross Country team travels to Hershey Go Eagles! Thursday, September 24 The Volleyball team travels to Armstrong Friday, September 25 th The Tennis team plays West Mifflin Saturday, September 26 th Volleyball has a tournament at Moon The Cross Country team travels to Hershey Go Eagles!




21 Today’s Feature PLAIN $1.50 PEPPERONI $2.00 SPECIALTY $2.00


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