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Mapping Information Requirements in PCTs Neil Serougi Director of Informatics.

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2 Mapping Information Requirements in PCTs Neil Serougi Director of Informatics

3 Key stages requires A good understanding of the terrain and its risks. A map showing where you want to get to. Some useful tools and skills. Recognition of obstacles Clarity about who does what? Competencies

4 Stage 1 - Understanding the Terrain! PCTs are responsible for planning and securing the provision of holistic care. PCTs are required to lead the modernisation agenda.

5 Stage 2 - A Map (or where do I go from here?) Its a different route but to the same place! So what are we trying to achieve in PCTs thats different?

6 Whats Different? A greater emphasis on: –Addressing inequalities in access and provision of care. –Planning and commissioning more effective, higher quality services. –Developing primary and community care services as a single entity. –Developing and implementing co-ordinated care processes across health and social services.

7 Key Information Implications PCTs need to Know the difference between clinical informatics and information services. shape strategic development of IC&T around integrated programs of care. develop Whole Systems approaches to clinical informatics at the operational level.

8 Stage 3 - What tools and skills do we need to make this happen? Conceptual –Understand what modernisation means in terms of IC&T development. –Identify prevailing interpretations of information services and challenge long standing cultural myths Organisational –Re-design the information processes in the PCT around care pathways and care networks. Information & Intelligence –Implement Decision Support tools, Better Analysis techniques etc

9 Stage 4 - Obstacles Inexperience Lack of focus or too much else to do. Legacy systems (and ideas?) Lack of appropriate skills Data crunching hasnt gone away!! Low morale – identity crisis

10 Stage 5 -Be clear about what we can and cannot do. Can Do: Use data intelligently. Develop Knowledge Management Strategies. Enable Clinicians to work more effectively. Improve Data Quality. E-Working Shouldnt Do: Technical I.T Support. Major procurements such as EHR and Electronic Booking.

11 What does intelligence mean? Defining Outcomes Health Needs Profiling Comparative Provider Data Electronic Access to Evidence and Good practice guidelines Cross Cutting Indicators

12 Stage 6 - How? PCTs –PEC Involvement –Partnership –Information Leadership PCT Information Networks –Develop a PCT Information culture –Provide strategic support to new PCTs –Technical advice –Engage clinicians corporately –Dont devolve all information skills/resources to Shared services

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