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Published byJeffry Brown Modified over 9 years ago
AP Agendas for Second Semester 2015 Attached you will find all agendas for the second semester in Advanced Placement English Language and Composition
AP Agenda for Jan. 20/21 Daily Objective: To understand how to be even more successful on taking an AP exam. Daily Assignments: Pass out midterm exam and your results Go over the following assignments: Reflection on midterm template on p. 320(due at end of period) Final Draft of AP Midterm Essay on p. 319(done in-class Thurs/Friday; due Friday at 11:59 pm) Peer Editing of AP Midterm Essay (done in class next Mon/Tues; due Tues. 11:59 pm) 10 grammar exercises (done in class this week) Go over the multiple choice passages Go over sample essays and scoring from midterm If time, begin to work on grammar exercises
AP Agenda for Jan. 22/23 Daily Objective: To improve writing by working on grammar and usage skills. Daily Assignments: Work on Final Draft of AP Midterm Essay p. 319; it is due Jan. 23 at 11:59 pm If done early, begin working on 10 grammar exercises Please return Walden books next week. You should highly consider taking words out of it for your definitions before you turn it in. Warning: Next week we will be work on the NEW Florida Writes Test—which you have to take as an 11 th grader! (UGH!)
AP Agenda for Jan. 26/27 Daily Objectives: Students will understand the writing requirements for the FSA Writing test. Daily Assignments: Go over comparison/contrast Thanksgiving cartoon Do 10 exercises on your 5 chapters you chose (2 ex. Per chapter)—turn in by end of period Begin discussion of FSA Writing Test; will do practice one on Jan. 30/Feb. 2
AP Agenda for Jan. 28/29 Daily Objectives: Students will complete a test required by the state of Florida. Daily Assignments: 2B- Complete At-Risk survey, then FAIR testing Work on JQV if done early
AP Agenda for Jan. 30/Feb. 2 Daily Objectives: Students will begin to learn how to write a comparison/contrast rhetorical analysis essay. Daily Assignments: To introduce this new concept, we will begin by watching “Babies Going through Tunnels” at: Go over Comparison/Contrast Thanksgiving cartoon Watch a video entitled called “Catching Kayla” at: with-ms_n_6200754.html; you will compare/contrast this girl’s life to your own life in a ten minute writing when finished with-ms_n_6200754.html As an AP student, you should be able to compare/contrast ANYTHING and make it sound sophisticated. You will write four words on paper I give you; these words will be the basis of another comparison/contrast activity.
AP Agenda for Feb. 3/4 Daily Objectives: Students will complete a test required by the state of Florida. Daily Assignments: Complete Practice FSA Writing Prompt, which will be worth 75 points (based on the score out of 10 you receive) 1A- Rm. 213 4A- Rm. 214 2B, 3B- Rm. 214
AP Agenda for Feb. 5/6 Daily Objective: To understand how to write a comparison/contrast essay. Daily Assignment: Do AP MC Practice 20 and 21 Last 25 minutes of class—peer/self editing completed on FSA Writing Prompt Warning: Next week on Feb. 11/12 we will do a AP Comparison/Contrast essay in class, and it will be worth 100 points.
AP Agenda for Feb. 9/10 Daily Objective: To understand the requirements of an AP Comparison/Contrast essay PLUS the FSA Reading Test. Daily Assignments: Go over RLARS Independent Reading List; you must have book by February 16. Go over comparison/contrast essay packet in Guidebook Warning: Next class period we will complete both Valentine’s Day and Anti-Valentine’s Day Activities. Plan to bring a positive attitude towards the holiday. We will also do an essay in-class.
AP Agenda for Feb. 11/12 Daily Objective: To appreciate the joy and horror of Valentine’s Day Daily Assignments: Complete AP Essay on Comparison/Contrast- worth 100 points Complete both Valentine’s Day and Anti-Valentine’s Day Activities in a cooperative learning group
AP Agenda for Feb. 16/17 Daily Objective: To read a book of nonfiction independently and enhance our reading comprehension and analysis skills Daily Assignments: Just a reminder—Reading Log #1 is due on Friday (in addition to your JQV); the directions plus a template on it is on my website; therefore, next class period bring your RLARS book so you have some time in-class to read it. Complete AP MC Practice #13 and #14; create 2 mc questions on each passage using stems in Guidebook (for a total of 4 questions) then do the mc questions in your practice books. Begin watching The Last of the Mohicans; you should fill out a study guide on it and be prepared to do a short writing (comparison/contrast question and argument question) when we finish it.
AP Agenda for Feb. 18/19 Daily Objective: To read a book of nonfiction independently and analyze a classic work of American fiction as a guided reading to enhance our reading comprehension and analysis skills Daily Assignments: Pass around golden rod sheet to sign up for SFSC Career Connections B Day—Get trained on FSA Writing Test in Rm. 214, then: Return papers and pass out letter on FSA test First 10 minutes of class—Read RLARS book (or book off of my bookshelf); remember your 1 st Reading Log is due on Friday at 11:59 pm in addition to your JQV; if you have not received your book yet, you will do your log on the sample chapter on Continue watching The Last of the Mohicans; complete study guide and comparison/contrast question AND argument question when finished with it Warning: Some time during the class period we will conference on your FSA Writing Prompt and your AP essays done this year. Therefore, get out your previous AP essays and put them in chronological order to discuss.
Information on FSA Results The average score was an 8 out of 10—which is awesome and the equivalent to a 6 on an AP essay. However, some special students scored a 9/10 or a 10/10. Please congratulate: In 1A- Kelly, Christina, Camille In 4A- Graham, Jeremy, Ragan, Kiersten, Kevin, Chenille In 2B- Marjon, Amelia In 3B- Ethan A., Emily, Cristina If you scored a 7 out of 10 or lower, please do the following when you take the real FSA Writes test in March: Properly credit sources—so do NOT say Source 1 says or put at the end of the sentence (Source 1). Go by article title (and author, if there is one); put quotation marks around an article title. Use YOUR WORDS more and words from your sources less. If you wrote a long quote, have a long explanation of the quote or you will be marked down. Consider the COUNTERCLAIM or you score will be lowered. You MUST ADDRESS BOTH SIDES OF THE ISSUE. USE ALL OF YOUR TIME. Highlands County has written a waiver so you have 120 minutes to complete the prompt. USE IT.
AP Agenda for Feb. 20/23 Daily Objective: To read a book of nonfiction independently and analyze a classic work of American fiction as a guided reading to enhance our reading comprehension and analysis skills Daily Assignments: 10 minutes of class—Read RLARS book (or book off of my bookshelf); remember your Reading Log is due every Friday Finish The Last of the Mohicans and turn in study guide If you were absent last class, have a conference with me on writing today! Go over assignment for annotating and reading Of Mice and Men, which we will do a Guided Reading on, we will do Gapfill exercises on, and we will take an AP Exam on when we are finished.
AP Agenda for Feb. 24/25 Daily Objective: To read a book of nonfiction independently and analyze a classic work of American fiction as a guided reading to enhance our reading comprehension and analysis skills Daily Assignments: RLARS for the first ten minutes of class Continue reading Of Mice and Men; discuss; complete Gapfill; annotate
AP Agenda for Feb. 26/27 Daily Objective: To read a book of nonfiction independently and analyze a classic work of American fiction as a guided reading to enhance our reading comprehension and analysis skills Daily Assignments: RLARS for the first ten minutes of class; you should also show me one mc question you have created by end of 10 minutes (use p. 44-47 in Guidebook to aid you; it must be a multi-worded answer for a-e) Continue reading Of Mice and Men; discuss; complete Gapfill; annotate
AP Agenda for March 2/3 Daily Objective: To read a book of nonfiction independently and analyze a classic work of American fiction as a guided reading to enhance our reading comprehension and analysis skills Daily Assignments; Continue reading Of Mice and Men on own until the end of Chapter 3 Do quote/description activity; gapfill Read like a Rock Star Remember—Our goal is to take our AP Exam on Of Mice and Men March 10/11 (rhetorical and synthesis essay) and March 12/13 (mc questions and argument essay) so we are done before Spring Break; that way you have Spring Break to finish book in order to be successful on your quiz on March 25/26
AP Agenda for March 4/5 Daily Objective: To read a book of nonfiction independently and analyze a classic work of American fiction as a guided reading to enhance our reading comprehension and analysis skills Daily Assignments: Continue to read OMAM and complete Gapfill for Chapter 4; discuss Create a tweet and/or hashtag for characters in Of Mice and Men in a group (and be ready to share it Continue to RLARS if time is left
Create a tweet/hashtag for: George Lennie Slim Carlson Candy the Boss Curley Curley’s wife Crooks Whit Aunt Clara
AP Agenda for March 6/9 Daily Objective: To read a book of nonfiction independently and analyze a classic work of American fiction as a guided reading to enhance our reading comprehension and analysis skills Daily Assignments: Finish OMAM Watch Key and Peele sketch to add some comedy to our lives Do gapfill for Chapters 5,6 (1A will also do Chpt. 4 Gapfill); discuss novel;Go over expectations for the next two period’s exam on it Complete research project/performance activities (depending on time left in class)
AP Agenda for March 10/11 Daily Objective: To read a book of nonfiction independently and analyze a classic work of American fiction as a guided reading to enhance our reading comprehension and analysis skills Daily Assignments: Day 1 of AP Exam on Of Mice and Men: Complete Rhetorical Analysis and Synthesis Essay
AP Agenda for March 12/13 Daily Objective: To read a book of nonfiction independently and analyze a classic work of American fiction as a guided reading to enhance our reading comprehension and analysis skills Daily Assignments: Day 2 of AP Exam on Of Mice and Men: Complete MC Questions and Argument Essay You will need to use your annotated copy of the book as you work on the questions; also turn in your annotation (worth 50 points) when finished with test
AP Agenda for March 23/24 Daily Objective: To read a book of nonfiction independently and analyze a classic work of American fiction as a guided reading to enhance our reading comprehension and analysis skills Daily Assignments: WARNING: YOUR NOTEBOOK IS DUE NEXT CLASS PERIOD! REMEMBER TO FILL OUT YOUR CHECKLIST ON YOUR JQV! And YOUR FAVORITE JQV IS DUE TO THE DISCUSSION BOARD OF TURNITIN ON FRIDAY AT 11:59 PM Mrs. DeGenaro will be here for part of period to talk about your schedule for next year Time to work in computer lab on your Great Test Makers Are Great Test Takers assignment* 1A- Rm. 213 4A- Rm. 214 2B- Rm. 214 3B- Rm. 214 *You will have two days in-class to work on this, although it is not due until April 2; it is literally the only time that is available for the rest of the year; due to this being the only time we can get into the lab your quiz on your RLARS book is extended to April 1 (B)/April 2 (A); your Book Talk and other in-class assignments to completed on p. 396 are extended to April 7(A)/8(B).
AP Agenda for March 25/26 Daily Objective: To read a book of nonfiction independently and analyze a classic work of American fiction as a guided reading to enhance our reading comprehension and analysis skills Daily Assignments: As you work today, I will call you up to check your notebook Time to work in computer lab on your Great Test Makers Are Great Test Takers assignment* 1A- Rm. 213 4A- Rm. 215 2B- Rm. 214 3B- Rm. 214 *You will have two days in-class to work on this, although it is not due until April 2; it is literally the only time that is available for the rest of the year; due to this being the only time we can get into the lab your quiz on your RLARS book is extended to April 1(B)/April 2 (A); your Book Talk and other in-class assignments to completed on p. 396 are extended to April 7(A)/8(B).
AP Agenda for March 27/30 Daily Objective: To analyze early works of American literature to prepare for the early English language passages of the AP exam. Daily Assignments: Return AP Exam on Of Mice and Men; complete reflection on it (p. 391-392) Read from Dave Barry’s Hits Below the Beltway p. 414; in a group come up with 10 Other Amendments that should be added to the Constitution from your teenage perspective Read from The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (p. 405-407) and from Poor Richard’s Almanack (p. 408); create your own Life’s Little Instruction Book in your group (p. 423) Remember—B Day your quiz on RLARS book is April 1 and A Day your quiz is April 2
AP Agenda for March 31 (A Day) Daily Objective: To analyze early works of American literature to prepare for the early English language passages of the AP exam. Daily Assignments: Read from Of Plymouth Plantation (p. 397-400) and do questions on p. 426-427 Read “Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God” (p. 409-411) and do questions on p. 424-425 Remember your quiz on your book is next period!
AP Agenda for April 1 (B Day) Daily Objective: To analyze early works of American literature to prepare for the early English language passages of the AP exam. Daily Assignments: Quiz on your RLARS book When finished--Read from Of Plymouth Plantation (p. 397-400) and do questions on p. 426-427 AND Read “Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God” (p. 409-411) and do questions on p. 424-425 We will discuss these passages when everyone is finished Reminder—Your Great Test Makers Are Great Test Takers assignment is due April 2 at 11:59 pm
AP Agenda for April 2 (A Day) Daily Objective: To analyze early works of American literature to prepare for the early English language passages of the AP exam. Daily Assignments: Quiz on your RLARS book When finished, on your own read from The Crisis, No. 1 by Thomas Paine (p. 403- 404) and do questions on p. 427 We will also read “Speech to the Virginia Convention” (p. 401-402) together and discuss it; you will also be assigned your persuasive speech—which will be presented in class on April 13/14 Reminder—Your Great Test Makers Are Great Test Takers assignment is due April 2 at 11:59 pm AND we will do our Book Talk on our book next class period; plan on bringing in a food related to your book next class period and get ready to do a creative assignment on your book!
AP Agenda for April 6 (B Day) Daily Objective: To analyze early works of American literature to prepare for the early English language passages of the AP exam. Daily Assignments: On your own read from The Crisis, No. 1 by Thomas Paine (p. 403-404) and do questions on p. 427 We will also read “Speech to the Virginia Convention” (p. 401-402) together and discuss it; you will also be assigned your persuasive speech—which will be presented in class on April 13/14 Reminder—we will do our Book Talk on our book next class period; plan on bringing in a food related to your book next class period and get ready to do a creative assignment on your book!
AP Agenda for April 7/8 Daily Objective: To read a book of nonfiction independently and to analyze early works of American literature to prepare for the early English language passages of the AP exam. Daily Assignments: Share how food relates to your RLARS book and put it onto back table Complete Inner Artist OR Really Creative Writing Activity on your book (p. 396) and show it to your group; we will then hang them up on the wall and you will explain what you created to the class As you do this, eat and go over questions at your table on your book
AP Agenda for April 9/10 Daily Objective: To analyze early works of American literature to prepare for the early English language passages of the AP exam. Daily Assignments: Half of class period: Work on your persuasive speech in-class; instructions on p. 420-421; Remember it is due at the BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD NEXT CLASS TO TURNITIN.COM Other half of class period: If you do not have a laptop, then do Emerson Quoting Activity on p. 431-436 and turn in by end of period
AP Agenda for April 13/14 Daily Objective: To analyze early works of American literature to prepare for the early English language passages of the AP exam. Daily Assignments: Present Persuasive Speeches; remember it was due to turnitin at the beginning of this class period Warning: On April 17/21 for A Day and April 20/22 for B Day you will take another AP Exam on American Revolution Literature
AP Agenda for April 15/16 Are you ready to battle it out?Today we will: Daily Objective: To analyze early works of American literature to prepare for the early English language passages of the AP exam. Daily Assignments: Finish persuasive speeches Complete Emerson Battles on p. 437- 439 in a group of your choosing Remember next period we will begin an AP Exam on American Revolutionary Literature
AP Agenda for April 17/20 Daily Objective: To analyze early works of American literature to prepare for the early English language passages of the AP exam. Daily Assignments: Begin Day 1 of AP exam on American Revolution Literature by completing multiple choice and argument essay
AP Agenda for April 21/22 Daily Objective: To analyze early works of American literature to prepare for the early English language passages of the AP exam. Daily Assignments: Begin Day 2 of AP exam on American Revolution Literature by completing rhetorical analysis and synthesis essay
AP Agenda for April 23/24 Daily Objective: To analyze important songs of the 21 st century Daily Assignments: Work on Song Presentation (p. 485) and be ready to present by end of period
AP Agenda for April 27/28 Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of writers who wrote in the 1800s. Daily Assignments: In a group, create analysis questions on an Early English Language passage (instructions on p. 486) and post it to turnitin When finished, trade with another group and answer the other group’s questions. If time, trade with a second group and do the activity again.
AP Agenda for April 29/30 Daily Objective: To work on skills to ensure success on May 13 th ’s AP Exam. Daily Assignments: Today we will complete an AP essay review 1 st, do the individual assignments on p. 468 2 nd, do the group activities on p. 468
AP Agenda for May 1/4 Daily Objective: To reflect on errors that still need to be fixed before AP exam on May 13. Daily Assignments: Return AP Exam on American Revolution and complete Reflection on it (p. 429-430) Instead of writing final draft of one of the essays, you should: pick one and do an SOS on it (using p. 291), pick another one and highlight it according to directions on p. 428, and pick a third one and add another paragraph to it. Warning: On May 11/12 it is our Amazing Race! On May 13 it is our exam!!!!
AP Agenda for May 5/6 Daily Objective: To understand the literary terms on the AP exam. Daily Assignments: Literary Terms Skits Day To prepare you for this activity, you will take a pre-test on the literary terms you have been assigned this school year You will be assigned one-three words that you have completed for the V portion of the JQV this school year to create a skit for. You can do a skit on your own, or pair up, or be with a group—you just have to do ALL of the words that you have each been assigned. You will present your skit on your word to the class, and the class should be able to tell what it is based on your skit. You will study for these terms again, and take a post-test on them at the end of class. You obviously should do better. Warning: Next class period, you will compete in a Literary Terms Bee in a group of your choosing over the course of the period on the literary terms we have gone over this year AND some we have not.
AP Agenda for May 7/8 Daily Objective: To understand the literary terms on the AP exam. Daily Assignments: Watch skit on “I Sent a Bottle of Sparkling Apple Juice”; remember this song for our Amazing Race* 15 th Annual National Literary Term Bee Get in a group of your choosing of no more than four You will compete as a group on who knows the most literary terms Winning team will get a certificate and their name on the announcements as winners of the 15 th Annual National Literary Term Bee The terms we miss will then be turned into skits by each group, which we will share after you have a few minutes to put it together *WARNING: NEXT CLASS PERIOD IS OUR AMAZING RACE! WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES AND CLOTHING!
AP Agenda for May 11/12 Daily Objective: To learn that learning can be fun and a competition Daily Assignments: Welcome to the 8 th Annual Amazing Race! Remember to be in the Smith Center at 8:00 am on May 13. We initially have to wait until everyone is there to start the exam. However, we will begin if everyone is not there by 8:45 am.
AP Agenda for May 13/14 Daily Objective: To relax after taking an AP exam Daily Assignments: 4A- Recover and decompress from exam
AP Agenda for May 15/18 Daily Objective/s: To analyze a work of drama in preparation for next year’s English class. Daily Activities and Assessment: Briefly decompress and discuss exam Go over instructions for Writing Portfolio, which is due the day of the exam Assign parts and begin reading the screenplay of To Kill a Mockingbird
AP Agenda for May 19/20 Daily Objective/s: To analyze a work of drama in preparation for next year’s English class. Daily Activities and Assessment: Students will finish reading TKAM; we will have a Socratic Seminar on it next period (and you can look over p. 462-463 if you wish to “study” for it) Also remember your notebook is due next period and post your favorite JQV/Comment on someone’s JQV by May 22!
AP Agenda for May 21/22 Daily Objective/s: To participate in a sophisticated intellectual discussion and analysis Daily Activities and Assessment: Socratic Seminar on To Kill a Mockingbird Begin watching Seabiscuit As you watch movie I will call you up for your notebook! Please also remember to turn in your favorite JQV of this nine weeks to the Discussion Board of Turnitin by 11:59 pm on May 22!
AP Agenda for May 26/27 Daily Objective/s: To analyze visual text to prepare us for next year’s English class. Daily Assignments: Finish watching Seabiscuit and complete literary analysis activity on it
AP Agenda for May 28/29 Daily Objective/s: To be comfortable performing in front of one’s peers. Daily Activities and Assessment: Complete Poetry Alive! Activity (p. 440-445)
AP Agenda for June 1 (A Day Only) Daily Objective: To appreciate that poetry can be fun. Daily Assignments: Complete Choral Reading of a Poem Complete Magnetic Poetry Assignment Work on Writing Portfolio if time is left
AP Agenda for June 2,3,4 Daily Objective: To appreciate the writings of our classmates and all that we have accomplished our junior year. Daily Assignments: Share favorite part of Writing Portfolio with the class (and don’t forget to turn in your Writing Portfolio) Watch The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch to prepare for ENC 1101
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