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Quality and Outcomes Framework Assessor Training Primary Care Contracting Basics for Lay Assessors.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality and Outcomes Framework Assessor Training Primary Care Contracting Basics for Lay Assessors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality and Outcomes Framework Assessor Training Primary Care Contracting Basics for Lay Assessors

2 Source: your guide to the NHS from the NHS.UK website. The NHS Organisational Map

3 Delivery arms of the NHS Primary care Intermediate care Secondary care Specialist services Support services PCT role as commissioners – but can also be providers of services

4 Primary care GP surgeries, dentists, opticians, pharmacies Community services Walk in Centres and NHS Direct Usually first point of contact Provide treatment and onward referral

5 Primary Care GP most respected public figure Primary Care highest satisfaction rate Quality is improving PCTs and new contracts mean we are on the verge of a renaissance in primary care No direct line management relationship between the PCT and practice

6 General Practice Independent contractor status Business ethos 8 out of 10 contacts within the NHS 1/5 th of total spend

7 Where do PCTs fit in this? As commissioners As providers

8 Primary Care Commissioning: The Four Contracting Routes

9 Enabling PCTs with new Flexibilities New contracting routes enable more choice to PCTs to structure and commission care Wider range of providers enables patient choice Enables different skill mix sets to be developed Fits with wider modernisation of health care

10 What drives the NHS 1 National priorities –Reducing waiting times –Improving access –Improving health

11 What drives the NHS 2 Local priorities –Specific disease areas and local health improvement targets –Community health projects –Public health issues

12 What are your PCT local priorities? In terms of health needs, local targets, public health issues? Why might these be important to know for the QOF visits?

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