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15 Sept 2015 Bell activity: use the first 8-10 minutes of class to work on your spelling/vocab. Today’s agenda: COLOR CODING PARAGRAPHS DISSECTING THE.

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Presentation on theme: "15 Sept 2015 Bell activity: use the first 8-10 minutes of class to work on your spelling/vocab. Today’s agenda: COLOR CODING PARAGRAPHS DISSECTING THE."— Presentation transcript:

1 15 Sept 2015 Bell activity: use the first 8-10 minutes of class to work on your spelling/vocab. Today’s agenda: COLOR CODING PARAGRAPHS DISSECTING THE PARAGRAPH



4 My dad is very knowledgeable. His international business dealings have helped him meet many important people who have taught him a great deal. For instance, he has worked with the former director of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade as well as the Chinese President of Festivals and Events. It was from these individuals that my Dad learned enough to manage the Boise River Festival. My dad is also a source of unlimited “Do it yourself “ information. If I ever need to know the correct way to mow the lawn, my dad can tell me the right way to do it. He also knows how to barbeque the perfect hamburger, build a gazebo and solve complex algebra problems. Last summer he decided to build a fire pit in the back yard. By the time he was done he was an expert stone mason. Finally my dad is an expert in unique and diverse trivia. For example, he knows the exact date that the civil war ended and how to write a grammatically correct speech. Furthermore, he is an expert on anything regarding Star Wars or 70’s classic rock.

5 When I first started reading The Million Dollar Note by Robert Kraske I thought that I had picked a boring book, but now that I have finished reading it, I feel differently. First, the book tells many exciting tales of how ordinary people have changed their lives by finding a bottle on the beach with a message tucked neatly inside and a cork stuck on the top. One tale for example, occurred on March 16, 1949 when Jack Worm found a bottle with a will inside. The will was written by Daisy Alexander, the daughter of Isaac Singer, a famous sewing machine millionaire. She left the finder of the bottle twelve million dollars. Another was the story of Jennie and Robert Classen who fell in love because of a letter Robert wrote and put in a bottle. In addition, The Million Dollar Note tells how the ocean currents can be charted by the use of bottle messages. Two thousand years ago, a Greek oceanographer named Theophratus believed that the Mediterranean Sea received most of its water from the Atlantic Ocean. He dropped bottles into the Strait of Gibraltar to prove his theory. In modern times scientists have used bottles to prove that the currents between Japan and the United States are changing.. Finally, the book also tells of many other uses made by bottle messages. Some of the messages were used to spread religion, to explain a disaster at sea, to solve a crime, or to predict oil spills. I’m glad that I didn’t give up on this book and would recommend it to you if you are looking for interesting reading.

6 Sentences that don’t belong Travis is an unusual individual. One of Travis’ unusual traits is his intricate knowledge of his favorite superheroes. He can quote the number of times that Dr. Banner has turned into Hulk during the 1990s and describe Iron Man’s childhood. Even odder is his detailed knowledge of the family members of his favorite superheroes. For example, he knows that Peter Parker’s Aunt May was one of the only female fighter pilots during the Korean War and that Lois Lane is actually a second cousin to Jane Foster. He even owns a sealed copy of the original Wonder Woman comic book. Another unusual thing about Travis is his eating philosophy. He believes that there is no such thing as a breakfast food, lunch food, or supper food. He’ll eat tuna sandwiches for breakfast if the mood strikes. He often eats pancakes for lunch. He frequently goes to the movies in his pajamas before supper. When it’s finally time to go to bed, Travis will have a big bowl of Cheerios.

7 Albert is a collector. His favorite collection consists of hundreds of maps. He has a section of ancient maps, which includes a slab of rock upon which has been carved the path to the brontosaurus pit that he claims is authentic. He owns every map of Idaho ever drawn, including one done by his cousin Phil in crayon on the back of a newspaper. His most useful map hangs just inside his bedroom door in a frame, showing how to get to his bed, hidden behind the stacks of his belongings. He has several other unique collections; some more unique than others. He has an extensive stamp collection and his toe nail clipping collection is the topic of much discussion. The vacuum bag collection that decorates his book shelf is one of a kind. Albert loves to vacuum the house for his parents. He has a rock collection, a fruit pit collection, and even a used staples collection.

8 DISSECTING & UNWRITING (5) READ THE INSTRUCTIONS (4) Read the paragraph. (3) Reread and highlight (2) Compare your answers with your neighbor’s (1) COMPOSE A T-CHART THAT FITS

9 In other words, I want you to DISSECT & UNWRITE the following paragraph.

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