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By Nicolas PICOT-CLEMENTE CNRS/CPPM, Marseille ANTARES experiment status and first results …

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Presentation on theme: "By Nicolas PICOT-CLEMENTE CNRS/CPPM, Marseille ANTARES experiment status and first results …"— Presentation transcript:

1 by Nicolas PICOT-CLEMENTE CNRS/CPPM, Marseille ANTARES experiment status and first results …

2 Neutrino telescope: Detection principle   43° Sea floor p    p,   Reconstruction of  trajectory (~ ) from timing and position of PMT hits interaction Cherenkov light from  3D PMT array

3  CPPM, Marseille  DSM/IRFU/CEA, Saclay  APC Paris  IPHC, Strasbourg  Univ. de H.-A., Mulhouse  IFREMER, Toulon/Brest  C.O.M. Marseille  LAM, Marseille  GeoAzur Villefranche  LPC, Clermont Ferrand (new)  University/INFN of Bari  University/INFN of Bologna  University/INFN of Catania  LNS – Catania  University/INFN of Pisa  University/INFN of Rome  University/INFN of Genova  IFIC, Valencia  UPV, Valencia  NIKHEF, Amsterdam  KVI Groningen  NIOZ Texel  ITEP,Moscow  University of Erlangen  ISS, Bucarest The ANTARES Collaboration

4 The ANTARES site & Infrastructure Shore Station

5 70 m 450 m JunctionBox Interlink cables 40 km to shore 2500m 900 PMTs 12 lines + I.L. 25 storeys / line 3 PMTs / storey The ANTARES detector

6 ANTARES Construction Milestones March 2006: First line connected. September 2006: Line 2. January 2007: Lines 3-5. December 2007: 10 Lines on the site. May 2008: Whole detector.

7 Effective area for [m 2 ] Expected performance (MC Studies) Angular resolution better than 0.3° above a few TeV, limited by:  Light scattering + chromatic dispersion in sea water:  ~ 1.0 ns  TTS in photomultipliers:  ~ 1.3 ns  Electronics + time calibration:  < 0.5 ns  OM position reconstruction:  < 10 cm (↔  < 0.5 ns) increases with energy Earth opacity above 100 TeV dominated by reconstruction   rec −  true  rec − dominated by kinematics

8 Detector visibility Mkn 501 Mkn 421 CRAB SS433 Mkn 501 RX J1713.7-39 GX339-4 SS433 CRAB VELA Galactic Centre AMANDA/IceCube (South Pole) ANTARES (43° North)

9 Background light under sea water …

10 Bioluminescence and K40 desintegration March 2006 – May 2008 40 K 40 Ca  e - (  decay)  Cherenkov Also used for in situ time calibrations (see Garabed Halladjian ’s talk)

11 Atmospheric muons and neutrinos µ p p Expected atmospheric muons and neutrinos.

12 Atmospheric muons Line 1 - 2006 data Vertical muon intensity versus depth with data from Line 1.

13 Atmospheric muons A muon event with the 12-line detector Hit Elevation Hit Time Plenty circle: hit selected by the trigger. Empty square: hit used by the fit. Cross: hit saved in 2.2  s around the event.

14 A neutrino candidate

15 Rate per day Reconstructed data per day compared to Montecarlo with the 5-line detector. 168 detected during 139 days with the 5 lines

16 ANTARES and physics

17 ? Gamma-Ray Bursts What and why ? Dark matter Point sources Magnetic Monopoles e-e- M.M.

18 The Gamma Ray Burst

19 Count rate in unit of 1000 counts s -1 Total emitted energy: 10 53 ergs Short p ulses (1ms to 100 s) of  -rays (~ 1 MeV) BATSE The Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) Burst duration 2 distinguishable classes Very different signals But

20 Should appeared with extreme conditions during violent and far astrophysics phenomenons (0.03 < z < 6.29). Binary systems. The Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) Short p ulses (1ms to 100 s) of  -rays (~ 1 MeV). Collapse of massive star and black hole formation surrounded by an accretion disk. If time and position coïncidences , Very clear signal, with low background in ANTARES, … Burst duration 2 distinguishable classes

21 100111011 location of GRB detector All data before, during and after GRB alert save analysis All data The Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) The acquisition system

22 The Gamma Ray Burst analysis Analysis for the 5-line detector is ready. Use of a specific trigger, of an improve reconstruction and of some cuts (N hits, Tot ampl,  zen,…) Prompt GRB range Angular resolution ~ 2.6° Excellent signal over noise ratio remaining after analysis ~ 10. With an angular resolution ~ 2.6°.

23 The point-like source search

24 Sources coming from different catalogues (HESS, Magic,...) Hadronic models In Hadronic models  TeV should be produced in roughly equal numbers to TeV  -rays. VHE ray sources represent prime targets for neutrino telescopes. 69 sources selected in ANTARES field of view 50 Galactic sources among: Pulsar Wind Nebulae (PWN) Supernovae Remnants (SNRs)  -Ray Binaries.... 19 extragalactic sources : Quasars,... Galactic coordinates Point-like source search

25 25  Sources closer than the ANTARES angular resolution (0.3º above a few TeV) are considered as a single point- like source.  PWN are excluded because generally treated as leptonic emitters (exceptions for Crab & VelaX). Point-like source search Added selection criteria have been taken into account for the 5Line data analysis: Find correlations with those neutrinos

26 Point-like source sensitivity Point-like source analysis results for the 5-lines detector will arrive soon !

27 The dark matter

28 Dark matter search WIMP Accretion into the sun Accretion into the sun Self-annihilation Self-annihilation ANTARES E  M WIMPs E  M WIMPs Sun

29 Dark matter search Kaluza-Klein model (KK): All the Standard model’s fields propagated in extra-dimensions (conventionnal space-time + 1 space dimension with a compactification radius R) Msugra theories: Contains all the known fields of the SM and an extra Higgs doublet, together with the partners needed to form supersymmetric multiplets. The LSP the lightest supersymetric particule, the neutralino (  ), is stable and weakly interacting, and is our Dark Matter candidate. 6 fundamental annihilation channels leading to neutrinos.  Self annihilation channel ( avec UED: B (1) ) : B (1) B (1)  ff, hh*, , p, p, e +, e -,  LKPs (Lightest KK Particles), non-baryonic and neutral particles corresponds to the first KK-resonance level of the hypercharge boson B (1) PRELIMINARY

30 The magnetic monopoles

31 Magnetic monopole search Dirac in 1931 : e-e- M.M. the smallest magnetic charge, called the Dirac charge. t’Hooft and Polyakov in 1974 : Non perturbative solutions which looks like Dirac M.M. in non-abelian gauge theories. Those solutions appear each time a compact and connected group is broken into a connected sub-group. Généralisation Transition example with the minimal GUT group: MM with charge g=g D, not affected by the second transition. radius ~ 10 -28 cmmass ~ 10 16 GeV

32 Cherenkov photons from delta-rays. Direct Cherenkov photons from a MM with g=g D. x 8500 Cherenkov photons from a muon. n sea water ~ 1.35 Number of photons emitted by a MM with the minimal charge g D, compared to a muon of same velocity : 8500 times more ! Direct Cherenkov emission  > 0.74 : Indirect Cherenkov emission  > 0.51 : The energy transferred to electrons is sufficiently important to pull out electrons (  -rays). These can emit Cherenkov light. Magnetic monopole signal in sea water

33 Magnetic monopole search AMANDA II MACRO PARKER 127 Expecting sensitivity with a C.L. of 90% for the 5-line detector after 127 days of data taking with some preselection cuts (not interesting for slow M.M. with  ). PRELIMINARY

34 A new project with an optical follow-up

35 Neutrino detection with an optical follow-up Principle: Neutrinos are used this time as triggers for an optical telescope. Conditions: 2  from the same direction (< 3°) in 15 minutes. 1 H.E. with the best reconstruction. Two 25 cm telescopes located at Calern (South France) and La Silla (Chile). 1h of optical data taking after the alert. A collaboration with TAROT: Number of expected alert per month: 1 or 2. Implementation of an online analysis program in progress. First alert very soon …

36 Conclusion




40 OM rates Proportion of time > rate

41 Atmospheric muons Downgoing muon event Hit Elevatio n Hit Time

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