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1 Introduction to the Book of Joshua 17 June 2007.

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1 1 Introduction to the Book of Joshua 17 June 2007

2 2 Names of the Book Hebrew name: "Jehovah saves" Greek name: "Jesus" English name: "Joshua"

3 3 Author of the Book Probably mostly by Joshua himself

4 4 Outline 1.Entering the Promised Land (1:1 – 5:15) One month, by the Jordan River 2.Conquering the Promised Land (6:1 – 13:7) About 7 years, in Canaan 3.Dividing the Promised Land (13:8 – 24:33) About 8 years 2 ½ tribes – East of the Jordan River 9 ½ tribes – West of the Jordan River

5 5 Joshua, the Leader Had been a slave in Egypt Moses personal servant One of the 2 spies who came back with a good report after exploring the land for Moses Allowed to enter the Promised because of his good report - faith Obedient and wise general

6 6 Nations at the time of the conquest

7 7 Central and Southern Campaigns From Niv Atlas of the Bible, but Zondervan

8 8 Northern Campaign From Niv Atlas of the Bible, but Zondervan

9 9 Division of the land among the 11 tribes & 48 Levitical towns From Niv Atlas of the Bible, but Zondervan

10 10 Limits of Israelite Settlement before the monarchy From Niv Atlas of the Bible, but Zondervan

11 11 Solomons Kingdom From Niv Atlas of the Bible, but Zondervan

12 12 Twelve Tribes of Israel

13 13 Twelve Tribes of Israel

14 14 Modern Israel Israel today From Niv Atlas of the Bible, but Zondervan

15 15 Theme and Purpose of Joshua Possession of the promised land Enjoyment of Gods blessings through obedient faith

16 16 Special emphasis Attempt the impossible Submit to Gods directions Watch God be faithful Watch God judge the wicked Canaanites

17 17 Why did God want to kill the Canaanites? You must not live according the the customs of the nations I am going to drive out before you. Because they did all these things, I abhorred them. - Leviticus 20:23 NIV

18 18 Some sins of the Canaanites (From Lev. 19 & 20) Made and worshipped false gods Stole from each other Lied to each other Deceived & defrauded one another Perverted justice Practiced divination and sorcery

19 19 Some sins of the Canaanites Made their daughters be prostitutes Turned to mediums and spiritists Were disrespectful to the parents Were disrespectful to the elderly Mistreated foreigners Used dishonest standards for measurements Sacrificed their children to Molech

20 20 Some sins of the Canaanites Committed adultery Men had sex with their stepmothers Men had sex with their daughters-in-law Indulged in Homosexuality Men married both women and their mothers Sexual relations with animals Incest Men had sex with their aunts

21 21 Why did God give the land to Israel? It is not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you are going in to take possession of their land; but on account of the wickedness of these nations, the LORD your God will drive them out before you, to accomplish what he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the LORD your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff- necked people. - Deuteronomy 9:5,6 NIV

22 22 Application 1.Watch out for covetousness (Remember Achan)

23 23 Application 1.Watch out for covetousness (Remember Achan) 2.Walk in obedience

24 24 Application 1.Watch out for covetousness (Remember Achan) 2.Walk in obedience 3.Walk by faith

25 25 Application 1.Watch out for covetousness (Remember Achan) 2.Walk in obedience 3.Walk by faith 4.Listen to the leadership of God in the church

26 Bibliography Special thanks goes to the following: Zondervan for their NIV Atlas of the Bible Bruce Wilkinson & Kenneth Boa for their information in Talk Thru the Bible Walt Henrichsen for his wisdom and insight shared during Bible studies he has led and in books, articles and e-mails he has written Edward Reese for his chronology and dating in The Reese Chronological Bible

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