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U.S. Department of Labor U.S. Department of Labor Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) Electronic Forms Welcome to the Electronic Form LM-4.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Department of Labor U.S. Department of Labor Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) Electronic Forms Welcome to the Electronic Form LM-4."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Department of Labor U.S. Department of Labor Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) Electronic Forms Welcome to the Electronic Form LM-4

2 Introduction Investigator P. Marlowe U.S. Department of Labor - OLMS 1234 Every St, Suite 211 Anytown, US 48226 Telephone (123)456-6780

3 The OLMS Mission Administer the LMRDA Ensuring union democracy Safeguarding union assets Financial recordkeeping and reporting

4 Types of Reports LM-4: Receipts less than $10,000 LM-3: Receipts $10,000 to $249,999 LM-2: – Receipts $250,000 or more – Unions in trusteeship

5 Labor Organization Reports Required by LMRDA Title II Public disclosure: – On the Internet at Deadlines: – 90 days after fiscal year ends – 30 days after termination

6 Electronic Form LM-4 Easier to enter information Download some information from OLMS Website: – Item 2 – Items 4 - 7 – Item 8

7 Electronic Form LM-4 Error checking features help: – Identify discrepancies. – Permit correction of errors. – Reduce the likelihood of having to file an amended report.

8 Electronic Form LM-4 Electronic signatures (See Submit form via the Internet Can still print and file report

9 Electronic Form LM-4 File more quickly. File more easily. File more accurately.

10 Using the Electronic Form LM-4 Double-click the OLMS Electronic Filer icon on your desktop. To access the User Guide, double-click the icon on your desktop.

11 A Look at the Electronic Form Looks almost identical to paper form

12 A Look at the Electronic Form Click yellow buttons to perform the displayed action.

13 A Look at the Electronic Form Select from drop-down lists to complete certain items.

14 A Look at the Electronic Form Page tabs: select a tab to move back and forth through the form. Press the key to move from item to item.

15 A Look at the Electronic Form Pop-up boxes automatically display when necessary to help you enter data for certain items, warn of potential errors, or request additional information.

16 A Look at the Electronic Form Pre-fill data Can be retrieved from your unions latest report for automatic entry of certain data. Must be connected to the Internet. Click the yellow Get Pre-fill Data button.

17 A Look at the Electronic Form Items 2, 4 - 7. Item 8.

18 A Look at the Electronic Form Automatic Error Summary Before signing and submitting your form, you must check it for errors. The Error Summary identifies errors in your report and tells you where they are.

19 A Look at the Electronic Form Each error is identified and listed individually.

20 A Look at the Electronic Form Shows when report is ready for signature and submission.

21 Layout of Reports Page 1: Identification information: – Your union – Period covered Additional information Signatures of responsible officers Other Pages: Information items: – Yes or No Financial details

22 LM-4 Identification Items Item 1 - File Number: enter your unions six- digit File Number. Item 2 - Period Covered: use pre-fill feature or enter the period covered by the report - cannot be more than one year. Item 3: check the appropriate box if the form is Amended or Terminal.

23 LM-4 Identification Items If pre-printed label information is correct, leave Items 4 - 8 blank. Use pre-fill feature to obtain information from prior year report. If any label information is incorrect, complete Items 4 - 8.

24 LM-4 Informational Items Answer each of the questions in Items 9 - 12 with a Yes or No answer. If the answer is Yes, provide additional information in Item 19 as required by the instructions. The electronic form provides a pop-up box to enter this information.

25 LM-4 Informational Items Enter the correct information directly into the box and the form displays the information in Item 19.

26 LM-4 Financial Items Item 14: enter the total value of your unions assets at the end of the reporting period -- including cash, bank accounts, and equipment.

27 LM-4 Financial Items Item 15: enter the total liabilities of your union at the end of the reporting period, including loans and unpaid bills. Item 16: enter the total receipts for your union during the reporting period, including dues, fees, and interest.

28 LM-4 Financial Items Item 17: enter the total disbursements by your union during the reporting period, including per capita, net payments to officers and payments for office supplies. Item 18: enter the total payments to officers and employees during the reporting period, including gross salaries, lost time, and expenses.

29 Item 19 - Additional Information Item 19 - Additional Information: enter any additional information as required by the report. Include the item number and the additional information for the item number.

30 Items 20 and 21 - Signatures Items 20 and 21: both the President and Treasurer or corresponding principal officers must sign the report.

31 Run the Error Summary Automatic Error Summary Before signing and submitting your form, you must check it for errors. The Error Summary identifies errors in your form and tells you where they are.

32 Run the Error Summary Each error is identified and listed individually.

33 Run the Error Summary Each error is identified and listed individually.

34 Run the Error Summary Shows when report is ready for signature and submission

35 Run the Error Summary Correct each error listed. Run the Error Summary again and confirm that the report is ready for signing and submitting to OLMS. File your report with OLMS.

36 File your Report With OLMS Obtain an electronic signature and file the form electronically. or Print your report and sign and mail the report.

37 Completing & Filing Preprinted Forms If you do not use the electronic Form LM-4: File one original copy with OLMS. Do not file photocopies. Type or print your entries with black ink. Use CAPITAL letters. Enter only one letter or number per box.

38 Completing & Filing Preprinted Forms Type or print inside the boxes. Leave blank boxes between words or numbers. Enter whole dollar amounts only. Do not enter cents or.00. Enter a single zero in boxes for financial items when you have nothing to report. Use an X to mark Yes or No items. Do not use check marks or any marks other than an X.

39 Where to File Paper Reports U.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration Office of Labor-Management Standards Room N-5616 200 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20210

40 Contact U.S. Department of Labor - OLMS 1234 Every St, Suite 211 Anytown, US 48226 Telephone (123)456-6780

41 Getting Help Using the Electronic Form: User Guide DOL Help Line: 1-866-487-2365 Completing Form LM-4: Form instructions OLMS field offices

42 Contact OLMS Online at: The Department of Labor Call Center at: 1-866-4-USA-DOL

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