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Animal Contributions to Human Needs

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1 Animal Contributions to Human Needs

2 What animals are used for production purposes?

3 SCIENCE a process through which nature is STUDIED, DISCOVERED, and UNDERSTOOD.

4 Animal Science The PROCESS through which LIVESTOCK ANIMALS are STUDIED and UNDERSTOOD.

5 Animal Science Involves BREEDING, feeding, care and MANAGEMENT of animals; MARKETING and PROCESSING of animals and their PRODUCTS based on knowledge gained through practical EXPERIENCE and RESEARCH.

6 Domestication To adapt an animal for human use

7 Five requirements for domestication
1.The animal is VALUED and there are clear PURPOSES for which it is kept. 2.The animal’s BREEDING is subject to human control. 3.The animal’s SURVIVAL depends upon humans.

8 Five requirements for domestication
4.The animal’s BEHAVIOR (psychology) is changed in domestication. 5.Morphological (STRUCTURAL) characteristics have appeared which occur rarely if at all in the wild.

9 Wild animal not GENETICALLY altered by artificial selection for use by humans Example

10 Tame wild animal a wild animal that, through intervention of man, has adapted BEHAVIORALLY so as to be useful to humans. Example

11 Exotic animal a wild animal belonging to a species whose historic native range lies totally outside NORTH AMERICA Example

12 Domestic animal an animal that has been genetically altered from the original wild species for use by humans through ARTIFICIAL SELECTION Example

13 Feral animal a DOMESTIC animal that lives in the WILD with no human assistance Example

14 Feral population a REPRODUCING group of FERAL animals Example

15 Species a group of closely related animals that can INTERBREED and produce FERTILE offspring Example

16 Breed animals of common ORIGIN with characteristics that distinguish them from other groups within the same SPECIES Example

17 Type animals of the same SPECIES that are grouped together based on the PRODUCTS they produce Example

18 Scientific Names of Domesticated Livestock Animals
Genus species

19 European Cattle Bos taurus

20 Indian Cattle Bos indicus

21 Sheep Ovis aries

22 Goats Capra hircus

23 Swine Sus scrofa domesticus

24 Horse Equus caballus

25 Donkey Equus asinus

26 Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus

27 Llama Llama glama

28 Alpaca Llama pacos

29 Dog Canis familiaris

30 Cat Felis catus

31 Chicken Gallus domesticus

32 Turkey Meleagris gallopavo

33 Duck Anas platyrhyncha

34 Goose Anser anser

35 Terms of Domesticated Animals

36 Cattle Terminology Species Bovine

37 Cattle Terminology Group Herd

38 Cattle Terminology Adult Male Bull

39 Cattle Terminology Adult Female Cow

40 Cattle Terminology Young Male Bull Calf

41 Cattle Terminology Young Female Heifer Calf

42 Cattle Terminology Newborn Calf

43 Cattle Terminology Castrated Male Bullock or Steer

44 Cattle Terminology Offspring w/Dam Calf at Foot or Suckling

45 Cattle Terminology Birthing Calving

46 Cattle Terminology Mating Serving

47 Sheep Terminology Species Ovine

48 Sheep Terminology Group Flock

49 Sheep Terminology Adult Male Ram, Buck, or Tup

50 Sheep Terminology Adult Female Ewe

51 Sheep Terminology Young Male Ram Lamb or Buck Lamb

52 Sheep Terminology Young Female Ewe Lamb

53 Sheep Terminology Newborn Lamb

54 Sheep Terminology Castrated Male Wether

55 Sheep Terminology Offspring w/Dam Suckling

56 Sheep Terminology Birthing Lambing

57 Sheep Terminology Mating Tupping

58 Goats Terminology Species Caprine

59 Goats Terminology Group Flock or Band

60 Goats Terminology Adult Male Buck or Billy

61 Goats Terminology Adult Female Doe or Nanny

62 Goats Terminology Young Male Buckling

63 Goats Terminology Young Female Goatling

64 Goats Terminology Newborn Kid

65 Goats Terminology Castrated Male Wether

66 Goats Terminology Offspring w/Dam Suckling

67 Goats Terminology Birthing Kidding

68 Goats Terminology Mating Serving

69 Swine Terminology Species Swine or Sus

70 Swine Terminology Group Drove

71 Swine Terminology Adult Male Boar

72 Swine Terminology Adult Female Sow

73 Swine Terminology Young Male Boar Pig or Boarling

74 Swine Terminology Young Female Gilt

75 Swine Terminology Newborn Pig, Piglet, Pigling

76 Swine Terminology Castrated Male Barrow, Stag, Hog

77 Swine Terminology Offspring w/Dam Suckling

78 Swine Terminology Birthing Farrowing

79 Swine Terminology Mating Coupling

80 Poultry Terminology Species Gallus

81 Poultry Terminology Group Flock

82 Poultry Terminology Adult Male Rooster, Cock

83 Poultry Terminology Adult Female Hen

84 Poultry Terminology Young Male Cockerel

85 Poultry Terminology Young Female Pullet

86 Poultry Terminology Newborn Chick

87 Poultry Terminology Castrated Male Capon

88 Poultry Terminology Offspring w/Dam Clutch, Brood

89 Poultry Terminology Birthing Hatching

90 Poultry Terminology Mating ?????

91 Horse Terminology Species Equine

92 Horse Terminology Group Herd, Band, etc.

93 Horse Terminology Adult Male Stallion

94 Horse Terminology Adult Female Mare

95 Horse Terminology Young Male Colt

96 Horse Terminology Young Female Filly

97 Horse Terminology Newborn Foal

98 Horse Terminology Castrated Male Gelding

99 Horse Terminology Offspring w/Dam Suckling or Foal at Side

100 Horse Terminology Birthing Foaling

101 Horse Terminology Mating Serving

102 Functions of Livestock
Product- an actual material provided by an animal that can be bought, sold, or used Service- a work provided by an animal

103 Functions of Livestock
Food Clothing Power Recreation

104 Food Meat Eggs Milk Honey

105 Clothing Wool Leather Hair/Fur Feathers

106 Power Horses Mules, Donkeys, Burros Llamas, Alpacas
Oxen, Water buffalo, reindeer, yak, camels

107 Recreation Pleasure Horses Purebred Herds and Flocks
Livestock Exhibitions, Shows, Rodeos Horse Racing

108 Mainstream Domestic Animals
Dairy Cattle Beef Cattle Sheep (Wool, Meat, Dairy) Swine Goats (Mohair, Milk, Meat, Cashmere) Horses, Mules, Donkeys, etc Poultry

109 Non-Traditional Domestic Animals
Ostrich & Emu Deer and Elk Bison Aquaculture Llamas and Alpacas Alligators Rare Breeds of Domestic Animals

110 Types of Livestock

111 Cattle Beef Type Dairy Type Dual Purpose Multi-Purpose

112 Sheep Wool type Meat or Mutton type Dual Purpose Dairy Type Fine
Medium Long Colored Meat or Mutton type Dual Purpose Dairy Type

113 Swine Lard Type Bacon Type Meat Type

114 Horses Draft Type Racing Ranch Work/Stock Horse Trotting Pacers

115 Poultry Eggs (Layers) Meat (Broilers) Ornamental Cock Fighting

116 Why Farmers Use Livestock
Converts feed to meat; feed generally brings more money when marketed through livestock Utilizes labor the year around Allows for greater production capacity and increases opportunity for making profits Helps maintain fertility of the land

117 Why Farmers Use Livestock
May more fully utilize capital, machinery and wasteland (range). Utilizes roughage that can’t readily be sold (poor hay, corn stalks, straw, etc.) Diversifies that farm and/or ranch Personal satisfaction of working with domesticated animals

118 Animal Protein Animal proteins are superior to vegetable proteins for humans Animal proteins have improved amino acid balance over vegetable protein Producing animals for meat, mike, eggs, etc. is not as efficient as compared to cereal grains produced for humans alone

119 Ruminants Have a four compartment stomach Can digest roughages
Manufacture essential amino acids and energy Examples include: Cattle Sheep Goats

120 Non-ruminants (Monogastric)
Have a single compartment stomach Need supplementary sources of amino acids and vitamins Examples include: Swine Poultry Horses

121 Contributions to Food Needs
Vegetarianism -- started in India, due to long-term population pressure and scarcity of feed and forage for animals -- also religious concerns; all life is sacred. Rising Population Pressures -- particularly in developing regions force people to consume foods of plant origin

122 Contributions to food Needs

123 Contributions to Food Needs
Meat -- is important in diet; excellent balance of amino acids, vitamins and especially Vitamin B12 Milk -- approximately 90% of milk for human consumption in the world comes from cattle Over 85% of the world population desires food of animal origin


125 Vegan Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian Vegetarian Lacto Vegetarian Ovo Vegetarian Raw Vegan Pescatarian Flexitarian Pollo Vegetarians

126 Vegan: No animal products at all
Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian: no meat, milk, eggs Vegetarian: no meat Lacto Vegetarian: no meat or milk Ovo Vegetarian: no meat or eggs Raw Vegan: only raw, uncooked vegetables and fruits Pescatarian: Will eat fish, no other meat Flexitarian: Occasionally eats meat Pollo Vegetarians: Eats poultry, no other meat

127 Calories of cultural or Fossil Fuel expended per calorie of food
Hunting Game .1-.2 Soybeans Range Lamb .3-.4 Corn Range Beef .5-.6 Coastal Fishing Poultry Hogs Farm Forage Beef Feedlot Beef

128 Feed Conversion Values
For each 1lb of gain, each animal eats Sheep lbs Cattle lbs Swine lbs Turkeys lbs Chicken 2

129 Livestock Feed Consumption
Range/Pasture 34% Processed Feed 7% Feed Grain 26% Hay 32% Wheat 1%

130 US Livestock Producers- 1996
Beef % 909,100 Swine % 182,700 Chickens % 179,200 Dairy 8.5% 140,100 Horses 5.4% 88,400 Ducks/Geese 2.4% 39,600 Goats (milk) .9% 15,400 Goats (angora) .3% 5,400

131 Top States in Beef Production
1. Texas 2. Kansas 3. Nebraska 4. Oklahoma 5. California Utah’s Rank 28th

132 Top States in Dairy Production
1. California 2. Wisconsin 3. New York 4. Pennsylvania 5. Michigan Utah’s Rank 25th

133 Top States in Sheep Production
1. Texas 2. California 3. Wyoming 4. Colorado 5. South Dakota Utah’s Rank 7th

134 Top States in Goat Production
1. Texas 2. New Mexico 3. Arizona 4. Oklahoma 5. California Utah’s Rank ?

135 Top States in Swine Production
1. Iowa 2. North Carolina 3. Michigan 4. Illinois 5. Indiana Utah’s Rank 20th

136 Top States in Layers Production
1. California 2. Ohio 3. Indiana 4. Pennsylvania 5. Iowa Utah’s Rank 33rd

137 Top States in Broiler Production
1. Arkansas 2. Georgia 3. Alabama 4. North Carolina 5. Mississippi Utah’s Rank ??

138 Top States in Turkey Production
1. North Carolina 2. Minnesota 3. Arkansas 4. Missouri 5. California Utah’s Rank 14th

139 Number of Farms and Ranches
1. Texas 2. Missouri 3. Iowa 4. Kentucky 5. Minnesota Utah’s Rank 36th

140 Land in Farms and Ranches
1. Texas 2. Montana 3. Kansas 4. Nebraska 5. New Mexico Utah’s Rank 28th

141 Utah’s Rank in Other Areas
Mink Production 2nd Trout Production 6th Honey Production 24th

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