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WORKING WITH FACULTY. Notification to faculty * To discuss course requirements & reasonable accommodations To indicate the accommodation needed.

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2 Notification to faculty * To discuss course requirements & reasonable accommodations To indicate the accommodation needed

3 Faculty involvement important *Accommodations usually in classroom *Administration support critical

4 Simply put, it is not a violation of academic freedom to insist that appropriate accommodations be provided to students with disabilities. From Legal Principle to Informed Practice)

5 Academic freedom is not a legal mandate. Section 504 & ADA are legal mandates.

6 Disability Service Providers ---- expertise in disabilities & laws Instructors ---- expertise in course (essential functions, skills, & knowledge)

7 Collaboration and cooperation serves everyone well, especially the student.

8 Suggestions for establishing & maintaining good relationship with faculty: *Training on laws, disabilities, accommodations (Karen Yerby, NC-Vital, DS Counselor, VR, DSB, Mental Health) *Handouts, books, articles *Teleconferences, workshops *Joint meeting with instructor, student, & DS counselor

9 Websites for faculty: * * * * * * *

10 Continually educate faculty and administration and solicit their support in development of a strong, effective Disability Services Program.

11 Working with Faculty presented by Caroline Smith Wayne Community College

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