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1. The population of the world is increasing by ______________________ 2. The average number of children born per 1000 people: _____________ 3. Average.

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Presentation on theme: "1. The population of the world is increasing by ______________________ 2. The average number of children born per 1000 people: _____________ 3. Average."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. The population of the world is increasing by ______________________ 2. The average number of children born per 1000 people: _____________ 3. Average number of deaths per 1000 people: _______________________ 4. A lesser Economically developed country which has a lower standard of living____________ 5. A more economically developed country which has a high standard of living_______________ 6. Number of babies which die at birth _______________________ 7. How a population replaces itself over time__________________ 8. Average number of children a woman has__________________ 9. How people act and think in a given country________________ Keyword Quiz : Keywords  Exponential growth  Birth-Rate  Death-Rate  LEDC  MEDC  Infant-mortality  Replacement-rate  Fertility-rate  Lifestyle Keyword Word Search

2 Define the term Death Rate 1 fact about world population Define the term LEDC 1 fact about population in LEDCs Define the term exponential growth 3 facts about population change 1 question1 thing that wasn’t understood

3 What has this got to do with Geography? Discuss the following:  How and why is the world’s population changing?  What issues does this pose?

4 Population Change – What is happening to the World’s? Subject target: To understand reasons for changes in the global population, including how & why the birth and death rates have changed and the effects of these changes. Literacy target: To decode a piece of text in order to critically evaluate its effectiveness. Competence: Research

5 Why is global population changing? There are two main reasons why the world’s population is increasing: Birth rate is increasing. This means … (the number of babies being born and surviving is going up / going down). Death rate is decreasing. This means… (The number of elderly adults living longer is increasing / decreasing). But the reasons behind this are….? Task 1) Explanation: Copy & complete

6 Task explanation:  1 teacher per group  Learners identify reasons why you think the birth rate is increasing and the death has decreased. Why is global population changing? Task 2) Why is the birth rate and death rate changing? Extension: Why else do you think people are living longer ?

7  Lifestyle choices – in the UK we have leisure time which means we relax and live longer.  Religion – Not allowed to use contraception e.g. Catholics.  Average wage has increased – people can afford health care, medicine and good food.  Country in which you live in – the UK is rich and developed country. We can afford healthcare. People are employed. There is food available and clean fresh water. May LEDCs do not have this.  Health care – e.g. free in the UK and therefore people live longer  Basic sanitation – in the UK we have access to clean freshwater and live in clean conditions. This ensures we live longer. However, poorer countries people do die due to cleanliness issues e.g. Diarrhoea is the biggest killer in poorer countries.  Medicine – the UK has access to the latest drugs. Our Universities also develop these drugs. Whereas poorer countries cannot afford to access the latest medicine.  Laws to encourage safety e.g. food hygiene  Use by dates on food  Vaccinations against diseases which used to kill people and still do in poorer countries (e.g. TB)  Pensions for retired people  Care for elderly people Teacher Worksheet

8 Our Learning Menu Summarise: Write a summary of your learning so far. Creative:. Produce a labelled doodle to demonstrate your thought process. Evaluate: Discussing life & death creates many emotions & thoughts, discuss why you think this is so? Autonomous: Design & complete your own activity. Prediction: Predict what happens next? Formulate: Design your own questions to improve your learning.

9 Mini Plenary: Lingo Bingo Activity Learning Outcome: To understand reasons for changes in the global population, including how & why the birth and death rates have changed and the effects of these changes

10 Is life expectancy the same for all countries? UK Life expectancy : Men 78 Women: 82 Sierra Leone Life expectancy : Men / Women: 50

11 Key Question: But why….? Economic Development & Life Expectancy / Birth Rate Learning Outcome: To understand reasons for changes in the global population, including how & why the birth and death rates have changed and the effects of these changes

12 Economic Development & Life Expectancy / Birth Rate a) Introduce Sierra Leone & the UK b) Play board game and make notes c) Group discussion: why is the one country an MEDC and the other country an LEDC The birth rate, death rate and life expectancy of a country can tell us how economically developed (or wealthy) a country is. LEDC (for e.g. Sierra Leone) MEDC (for e.g. UK) Average life Expectancy: 50 Birth Rate: 4.9 children per single mom Population aged 65+: 2.9% Infant mortality rate per 1000 children: 114 Average life Expectancy: 80 Birth Rate: 1.9 children per single mom Population aged 65 or over: 10.7 million people Infant mortality rate per 1000 children: 4.1

13 Sierra Leone Write down 5 descriptive words for Sierra Leone

14 Economic Development – MEDC Versus LEDC Developed Countries Un-Developed Countries

15 UK Similarities / differences Sierra Leone

16 Economic Development Board Game Rules:  Work in pairs  As you work your way round the board, complete notes in your book.  Decide if the statement is a positive or a negative. Negative statement = -1 point Positive Point = 1 point

17 Mini Plenary: Find someone you know activity 4 minutes Write down your answers One answer per person Learning Outcome: To understand reasons for changes in the global population, including how & why the birth and death rates have changed and the effects of these changes

18 Rate of Population Change Rate of change Births and deaths are natural causes of population change. The difference between the birth rate and the death rate of a country or place is called the natural increase. The natural increase is calculated by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate. Natural increase = birth rate - death rate Task:  In groups, discuss what the information on the board shows.  One person to lead the group  Then copy spider diagram and complete notes:. Rate of Population Change MEDCLEDC

19 Mini Plenary: Discussion of the ways of collecting information about population in the UK. How reliable was this in the past? How about LEDC Countries? Learning Outcome: To understand reasons for changes in the global population, including how & why the birth and death rates have changed and the effects of these changes

20 Task 5) How and why have birth and death rates changed over time? Facts from memory exercise  3 minutes to visit the laptop screen.  Share with your group what you learn.  1 person to visit the screen at a time.


22 Demographic Transition Model What I understand: Is new or interesting Answers a question you had What I Don’t Understand: A word you don’t understand Circle Puzzles you ? Really confuses you ?? Coding of Text Activity Task Aim: For learners to identify what they do and do not understand when using a written source. With an aim to ensure learners improve their understanding. Learning Outcome: To understand reasons for changes in the global population, including how & why the birth and death rates have changed and the effects of these changes

23 Task 5) How and why have birth and death rates changed over time? a) What are the effects of these changes? Coding the text activity based on the DTM Draw and label an outline of the Demographic Transition Model (DTM). Label and explain what the graph shows Apply the DTM to an LEDC e.g. Sierre Leone and the UK e.g. England. Research task.

24 Learning Outcome: To understand reasons for changes in the global population, including how & why the birth and death rates have changed and the effects of these changes

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