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Podcasts and Audio Slideshows By Yun Taiho. What is a Podcast A podcast is a digital audio file that can be distributed over the internet.

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Presentation on theme: "Podcasts and Audio Slideshows By Yun Taiho. What is a Podcast A podcast is a digital audio file that can be distributed over the internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Podcasts and Audio Slideshows By Yun Taiho

2 What is a Podcast A podcast is a digital audio file that can be distributed over the internet

3 Audio formats and kit As a stand-alone story (such an interview) As part of picture story or audio slideshow As a podcast which people can download As an audio stream

4 Ideas and planning What does the listener get out of this? Who would subscribe to this Would it be a weekly podcast feature? How long should it be? How much preparation and research is needed?

5 Recording interviews and discussions Keep control of the microphone Don’t rustle papers Keep eye contact with your interview subject Keep question short – try not to ask ”closed” question If they get toungue-tied, record that segment again Don’t interrupt, mumble, laugh

6 Editing Cut with care – be fair and balanced Don’t cut the context of a quote Don’t cut the character of the piece – a pause or stumble may be telling Cut out the long pause, coughs Select the introductory audio to give meaning to the piece, don’t puzzle the listener

7 Editing If music used, make sure it does not intrude on audio and annoy the listener Make sure to sort out the copyright issue Sell your audio online with good headlines and explanatory text

8 Audio Slideshow Slideshow need to combine the best of photojournalism with intimacy of audio report A strong subject is crucial (a powerful and fascinating story) Not all slideshows need audio

9 Slideshows checklist Are the picture likely to have visual appeal Capture ambient sound for atmosphere Think about what might be the first and last image Are captions need to give further information? How long should it be ? 3 minutes is a good average to aim for

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