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Using Free GIMP Software to Create Value Portraits Juli Fraher Pontiac District #429 Pontiac, IL.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Free GIMP Software to Create Value Portraits Juli Fraher Pontiac District #429 Pontiac, IL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Free GIMP Software to Create Value Portraits Juli Fraher Pontiac District #429 Pontiac, IL

2 Download Gimp from




6 3 Part Assignment Color Wheel Study Warhol Portraits Value Portraits

7 Color Wheel Study Paint a Color Wheel Paint a Gray Scale

8 Have students paint a color wheel. This one works for me.


10 Paint primary colors first

11 Use the tip of the brush to paint clean corners

12 Carefully fill in the area


14 The finished color wheel

15 Grey Scale


17 Use only black and white

18 Paint one solid area of black and one of white

19 To begin, use more white than black

20 Blend the two colors well and paint a square on a recycled piece of paper

21 Continue adding a tiny bit more of black each time.

22 When dry, place a ruler on top of the swatches, and draw a line on each side of the ruler

23 Place the ruler at a right angle to the first lines and repeat

24 Carefully cut out the squares. Be exact!!

25 The finished grey scale

26 Warhol Portraits


28 “File” then “Open” and select a picture. The picture name will appear at the bottom.

29 1 2 3

30 Mask Radius- 40.99(Somewhere around 40) Sharpness- 1.000 Percent Black- 0.202 Percent White- 8.850 “Filters” “Artistic” “Photocopy”


32 Select all, copy and paste on a Publisher document.

33 You can put 2 pictures on one 8 1/2” X 11” page.

34 Print Photocopy in Word You can put 2 on a page. Print 9 copies (Keep 1)

35 Warhol Portraits A series of 8 self-portrait paintings with the following color schemes: 1.2 complementary pairs (either: red and green or blue and orange or yellow and violet- pick 2 of these 3 groups) 2.These same colors in the same place mixed with white to create tints. 3.The same colors in the same place mixed with black to create shades 4.4 analogous colors (4 colors next to each other on the color wheel) 5.A monochromatic color scheme (1 color plus black and white and all the tints and shades in between; such as white, light blue, blue, dark blue and black) 6.The 3 warm colors 7.The 3 cool colors 8.The 3 primary colors

36 Paint one portrait using 2 pairs of complements adjacent to each other.

37 Use the same color placement as the first painting, but use white to make tints



40 Use black to make shades

41 4 analogus colors

42 4 monochromatic colors

43 3 warm colors

44 3 cool colors

45 3 Primary Colors

46 Tips: Don’t paint the eyes. Divide your portrait into 4 or 5 areas depending on the color scheme. You only need to paint part of each picture. They will be trimmed to 4” X 6”. Use the cardboard template. Fold a 12”X18” piece of colored paper in half like a book. Center one of the portraits on the fold. Leave a ½” gap between it and the next picture. Glue down all 8 paintings and label each one.




50 Value Portraits





55 Set Posterize Level to 12

56 Place the transparency over the copy. Start by outlining the lightest values first with sharpie.

57 Transparency with values outlined.

58 Place transparency face down on copier. Increase size to 121%.

59 Center xerox copy on 9 X 12” watercolor paper. Tape down. Use old lesson plan carbon paper to transfer the outline drawing to the watercolor paper.


61 Set up a palette with 3 white, 3 of the base color and 1 black.

62 Add small amounts of the base color to the three white colors to create the values. Add black to 2 of the base colors.

63 The finished palette


65 Begin by painting the lightest values first




69 Thank you! Copies of student handouts and presentation power point are available on the conference site. Thanks to Linda Robinson Oxford Middle School.

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