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The European Small Business Act The Territorial Dimension of the EU 2020 Strategy for SMEs Christian WEINBERGER, Senior Adviser - Entrepreneurship & SME.

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Presentation on theme: "The European Small Business Act The Territorial Dimension of the EU 2020 Strategy for SMEs Christian WEINBERGER, Senior Adviser - Entrepreneurship & SME."— Presentation transcript:

1 The European Small Business Act The Territorial Dimension of the EU 2020 Strategy for SMEs Christian WEINBERGER, Senior Adviser - Entrepreneurship & SME Policy European Commission - DG Enterprise Competitive Enterprises – Successful Regions Brussels, 18 November 2014

2 What is the SBA ? + A set of politically binding principles + A package of concrete measures (legislative and non-legislative) + An implementation mechanism embedded in the EU 2020 strategy in order to 1 - Improve the overall policy approach to entrepreneurship 2 - Anchor the “Think Small First” principle in policy-making 3 - Promote SMEs’ growth

3 10 politically binding principles 1. Create an environment for entrepreneurs and family businesses to thrive and entrepreneurship to be rewarded 2. Ensure that honest entrepreneurs who have faced bankruptcy quickly get a second Chance 3. Design rules according to the “ Think Small First ” principle 4. Make public administrations responsive to SMEs ’ needs 5. Facilitate SMEs ’ participation in Public Procurement and better use State Aid possibilities for SMEs

4 10 politically binding principles ( ctd.) 6. Facilitate SMEs ’ access to finance and support timely payments in commercial transactions 7. Help SMEs to benefit more from the opportunities offered by the Single Market 8. Promote the upgrading of skills in SMEs and all forms of innovation 9. Enable SMEs to turn environmental challenges into opportunities 10. Encourage and support SMEs to benefit from the growth of markets

5 The SME Envoys The 28 national SME-Envoys (incl. HR) EU SME-Envoy


7 SBA Fact sheets

8 SBA Profile for Slovakia

9 SBA Performance in Spain

10 The new SBA Proposal for a "New" SBA with actions for coming years Four priority areas confirmed plus skills/training as fifth priority Open consultation running until 15/12/2015 ( act/public-consultation-sba/index_en.htm) act/public-consultation-sba/index_en.htm Proposal to be submitted to the new Commission in 2015

11  Concrete recommendations & inspiration  Describing Example Regions  Listing Good Practices  Advising on actions to be taken  Listing links with the Thematic Objectives  Explaining the background to the regional SME Policy dimension

12 Regions play a key role in the SBA implementation Regional / local authorities are closer to SME Main Regional challenges creating a business environment with positive conditions creating tailor - made infrastructure innovation - orientated funding supporting the development of networks supporting lifelong learning

13 1) Creating an environment for entrepreneurship link businesses and schools supporting entrepreneurial activities mentoring measures for start - ups create business transfer advisors 2) Ensure a Second Chance information & promotion of a positive attitude early warning system SBA - Actions at regional level

14 3) Implement the " Think Small First " Principle reducing administrative burdens make it easier to start - up a company Introduce SME Test for regional regulation / programs 4) Public administration responsive to SME needs Single points of contact 5) Improve SME Access to Public procurement Simplify public procurements below the threshold facilitate the participation of SME SBA - Actions at regional level

15 6) Access to finance implement the late payments directive (30 days !) develop financial instruments to provide loan guarantees and equity Support Business Angel and VC activities 7) Access to Market Promote the activities of the EEN ( Enterprise Europe Network ) Support internationalisation ( see also GB 7) SBA - Actions at regional level

16 8) Skills, Innovation, Access to knowledge Support & training programs to strengthen the ability to innovate 9) Support " greening " of SMEs Information campaigns Grants for ressource efficiency 10) Encourage growth Offer coaching and mentoring programs SBA - Actions at regional level

17 The regional SME Envoy  In addition ( and co - operation ) with the national SME Envoy  Tasks are similar but for the domain of the regional activities  Use existing structures to the extent possible  Co - operate and synergize with the existing actors  Create specific governance cycle for implementation monitoring

18 The Walloon SME Parliament Four committees working on specific topics Annual plenary session attended by 300 entrepreneurs Aim is a better exchange between region and SME SME Parliament votes for priorities and measures Contributes to the work of the regional SME Envoy Also assists and reviews the implementation of the agreed measures

19 Different SME Policy topics Short layout of the relevant EU Policy Presenting a number of actions to be taken Potential for funding from EU Structural Funds  All based on existing verified good practices SME Policy Guidebook Series


21 1) Building Entrepreneurial Mindsets and Skills in the EU 2) Using Standards to Support Growth, Competitiveness and Innovation 3) Facilitating Transfer of Business 4) The Smart Guide to Service Innovation 5) SBA Implementation at Regional Level 6) How to Use Structural Funds for SME & Entrepreneurship Policy (" Cookbook ") 7) Supporting the Internationalisation of SMEs 8) Public Procurement for SMEs 9) Fostering Investments into SMEs by Business Angels

22 Available in different formats and languages PDF eBook Printed copy EN - FR - DE - IT - ES - EL - BG - CS - DA - ET - LV - LT - HU - NL - PL - PT - RO - SK - SL - FI - SV - HR Download & Ordering : http :// ec. europa. eu / enterprise / policies / sme / regional - sme - policies / index _ en. htm Also available in reasonable quantities for conferences

23 Increasing the Momentum for the Future  SMEs as a priority in the ESIF Operational Programs  More regional SME Envoys and regional SBA implementation initiatives  Better exploitation of existing good practices  More focus on Entrepreneurial Mindsets

24 SBA http :// ec. europa. eu / enterprise / entrepreneurship / sba _ en. htm SME Portal http :// ec. europa. eu / small - business SME Performance Review http :// ec. europa. eu / enterprise / policies / sme / facts - figures - analysis / performance - review / SME Policy Good Practices Catalog http :// ec. europa. eu / enterprise / policies / sme / best - practices / index _ en. htm http :// ec. europa. eu / enterprise / policies / sme / best - practices / index _ en. htm SME Policy Guidebooks http :// ec. europa. eu / enterprise / policies / sme / regional - sme - policies / index _ en. htm

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