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How Manatee County Serves Digital Aerial Imagery Genie HaysTerry Ryan Regional ManagerFederal Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "How Manatee County Serves Digital Aerial Imagery Genie HaysTerry Ryan Regional ManagerFederal Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Manatee County Serves Digital Aerial Imagery Genie HaysTerry Ryan Regional ManagerFederal Manager

2 Overview Manatee County Overview Problem: Imagery Distribution & Management Amount of Imagery Cost of storage/distribution Time spent on installation/management Lower Budgets Solution: Q&A

3 Manatee County, Florida

4 Hardware & Workflow Dilemmas Amount of Imagery 1.3 to 5TB’s of Raw Data. No server space for the imagery (pyramids, caching, etc.). More than 80% unavailable. wanted to deliver full investment of data for 2003, 2007-2012, with 5 more years projected in the pipeline.

5 Hardware & Workflow Dilemmas Cost of Storage/Distribution Server space for imagery alone an estimated $30,000+ and were still unable to deliver their full repository of data. $250,000 - $300,00 increase in Server investment and licenses to deliver full repository. Not able to deliver data to 3 rd party applications: AutoCAD, Microstation, ERDAS, Flash, etc.

6 Hardware & Workflow Dilemmas Time Spent on Installation/Management Took 3 weeks for each County year to load (2003,2007-12). Took months to load all data, with no guarantee when loaded it would work. With current setup, they could only deliver ONE year data online. Lower Budgets 10% decrease in the Property Appraisers budget for 2012. 147 Days to load imagery into other storage solutions.

7 Solution Store compressed imagery as MrSID/Jpeg2000 files. Visually lossless with a 20:1 compression ratio. Kept imagery in a FLAT FILE system. Delivery service to ESRI products and other 3 rd party applications via open source OGC WMS (Web Mapping Service). Used LizardTech’s Express Server to accomplish cost savings and delivery needs.

8 Solution Benefits Gained 1:20 reduction of cost to Server space. Estimated savings to licenses & storage cost, $30,000-$50,000. Can delivery 5X’s the amount of imagery. Allows growth at a much smaller cost All 3rd Party applications can read streaming of Imagery, Plug & Play Installation and setup was cut down to ONE DAY, saving weeks of staff time. Saved $$$$

9 Manatee County Web Image Service WMS: Property Appraiser Site: p?type=propertyappraiser Aerial Download Tool: p?type=aerialdownload


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