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Session 14: Getting More out of NOVEL Databases. Focusing Questions Why use an online database with students rather than a search engine or directory?

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Presentation on theme: "Session 14: Getting More out of NOVEL Databases. Focusing Questions Why use an online database with students rather than a search engine or directory?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 14: Getting More out of NOVEL Databases

2 Focusing Questions Why use an online database with students rather than a search engine or directory? What are some great features of the EBSCO and Gale databases available to us for free through NOVEL and NYCSLS?

3 Instruction

4 Framing Our Work: Why use a database? Visual learning advantages Charts, graphs and tables Interactive graphic search engine Great visuals with more PDF files Historical and current photos with captions Differentiated learning Variety of reading levels Spanish language (for new immigrants/ELLs)

5 Framing Our Work: Why use a database? Authoritative Information Different types of sources Current, credible information Background information Resources not available on the web

6 Teaching We are going to use the advanced search page while exploring both EBSCO and Gale to practice the skills we learned in Session 6. We will reflect on why and when we use databases along the way. Let’s look at some star features…


8 Photographs with captions For all grade levels Same photos on each


10 Students can read it! (So can struggling readers)

11 Word count, charts

12 HS: TopicSearch gives opposing viewpoints on current events

13 PDF files…look like the real thing

14 Visual search option

15 Gale: Find eBooks

16 Power search: Advanced search page for eBooks

17 Search particular reference titles

18 Gale: Find current newspaper articles

19 Power search: Advanced search page for newspaper articles

20 Masterfile: Advanced Search Help Click here for help menu.

21 Advanced Search page

22 Need visual to teach/learn? Masterfile has a great advanced search help page. Visual search has a PPT tutorial—highly recommended. Searchasaurus has a great labeled page to use when teaching elementary kids.

23 Visual search tutorial


25 Searchasaurus Tutorial 1. Click tutorial 2. Click The Results List


27 Guided Practice Now I am going to show you how I used some of these features on EBSCO to find global warming documents, including graphs, charts, and photographs using EBSCO and Gale. EBSCO Username: ps347el Password: ps347el Gale Reference Library _cmhs

28 Work Time

29 Getting Started I want you to keep in mind the advantages of databases, and practice using your advanced searching techniques. Today and everyday I want you to use the advanced search menu to gain background information on global warming.

30 Work Time Now you will have time to create an account, save searches, and gather articles and photographs on global warming on EBSCO. Use limiters we practiced to refine your search. In Gale, find a newspaper article written in the last 15 days. Choose the newspaper databases. Do a separate search for an eBook article using the Gale Reference Library database. Remember to limit by publication title. Include only relevant science reference titles.

31 Share

32 Why and how are you going to use the NOVEL databases? Share

33 New York City Curriculum Resources Information Fluency Continuum Phase: Investigate p. 18 Indicator: uses a variety of search engines to do advanced searching New York City Performance Standards Applied Learning Standard 3a: Gather information to assist in completing project work Applied Learning Standard 3b: Use information technology to assist in gathering, organizing, and presenting information Standards

34 Technology Standards ISTE National Educational Technology Standard (NETS) Standard 5: Technology Research tools: -- Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources -- Students use evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the appropriateness to specific tasks. Standards

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