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11 Emerging Paradigms for Academic Library E-Book Acquisition and Use: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities E-Book Conference - 3 June 2008 Cho Yiu Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "11 Emerging Paradigms for Academic Library E-Book Acquisition and Use: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities E-Book Conference - 3 June 2008 Cho Yiu Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 Emerging Paradigms for Academic Library E-Book Acquisition and Use: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities E-Book Conference - 3 June 2008 Cho Yiu Conference Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Bill Tang Owen Tam Angus Lam Lingnan University Library 1

2 22 The Flapping Wings & Butterfly Effect! The Flapping Wings = From “P-Book” to “E-Book”, just one character change? The Butterfly Effect = Collection Development Assessing & Acquiring Access & Delivery of Service Cataloging & Processing User & Technical Support Promotion & Training Monitoring & Evaluation 2

3 33 What is an E-book An e-book is: An e-version of a monograph that can be read on : PCs, Laptops, portable devices, dedicated readers Delivery modes: Web-accessible (read online) Downloadable (offline access) Dedicated e-book readers Some require check-out to control concurrent access E-book formats: Mostly PDF or HTML format for English e-books Various proprietary formats (Apabi, SSReader, CAJViewer) for Chinese e-books Mostly with text + picture contents Some are in audio or multimedia format (eg. Naxos titles) 3

4 44 Special issues about E-books Different purchasing models Overlapping contents in aggregator packages Local and remote access configurations Shorter turnover time from ordering to access Just-in-time versus Just-in-case Cataloguing and Processing processes for e-books separate from print Durability – conservation / preservation different from print books Save space – need for weeding changes 4

5 55 Embracing the Butterfly Effect! Integrated a series of home grown application into the E- books collection development & management workflows: O verlap Analysis M ARC Records Generation A ccess Checking and Monitoring 5

6 6 OMA= Collection Development: Overlap analysis during the selection: Vs. your library collection / all JULAC libraries’ collections Vs. different packages for selection Collection Management: Access checking & monitoring Access oriented MARC records generation

7 77 Overlap Analysis: LU collection Overlap Analysis (Ebrary Ebooks Collection vs. Library Print Collection) Overlap TitleOverlap Title %Unique TitleUnique Title %Total 67315.3%3,73284.7%4,405 1. 2. 3. 7

8 88 Overlap Analysis: all JULAC Libraries 1. 2. 3. 8

9 99 Overlap Analysis: different E-Book packages 1. 2. 3. 9 Overlap Analysis Report SourceTitleTitle (%)Unique Title Unique Title (%) Overlap Title Overlap Title (%) BEOS10.01%1 00.00% BRO3031.77%2721.59%310.18% ebrary4,40525.71%4,34125.34%640.37% OSO1,81410.59%1,78110.40%330.19% SpringerLink10,60761.92%10,60762.92%00.00% Wiley-Interscience10.01%1 00.00%

10 10 Access Arrangements Access activation Firewall, network bandwidth issues URL verification Special software requirements, web browser compatibility Remote access arrangements Special hardware requirements (specific e-book readers) How do patrons find e-books – OPAC, Library Website, Vendor Sites? 10

11 11 Access checking & monitoring 1. Title Lists 2. Link Checking 3. Instant Report Aims: 1. Checked before the official launch! 2. Take follow-up actions immediately! 11

12 12 Cataloguing & Processing issues Integrating e-books in the OPAC with the print collection No physical items received Faster turnover time from service activation to providing access in OPAC Lack of good quality MARC records from publishers / aggregators Access oriented OPAC records required Supplemented by follow-up record enhancement Programming support and staff training required 12

13 13 Generate MARC records 1. 2. 3. Convert e-book data into MARC records based on Cataloguing Policy! 13

14 14 E-books at Lingnan Pre-ERALL: 中国优秀博硕士论文 ACLS Humanities eBooks ACM Digital Library Apabi eBooks Naxos Spoken Word Library NetLibrary ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Post-ERALL: Wiley-Interscience Blackwell Reference Online SpringerLink eBooks ebrary Oxford Digital Reference Shelf Oxford Scholarship Online 14

15 15 Pre vs. Post ERALL The ERALL project expands Lingnan’s E-book Collection to 101,000+ volumes! Over 14% e-book titles were obtained via ERALL! 15

16 16 Subject Collection Enhancement Social Sciences: 15.39 % Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: 9.3 % Language & Literature: 4.51 % Political Science: 3.36 % History: 2.92% 16

17 17 Record Keeping & Document Archiving 17 1. Administrative Information 2. Acquisition Information 3. Documents

18 18  Remind you to renew the BRO e-books’ access before 2010! 18 Email Alert ! 90 >>>> 60 >>> 30 >> 15 > 7, 6, 5,…2, 1 day(s).

19 19 Online Calendar

20 20 E-book Service Rule of Thumb (A) 1. Acquisition a. Collaborate with other libraries b. Emphasis on local needs c. Integrate selection process with print books d. Integrate licensing management with databases 2. Cataloguing a. Give priority to access b. Employ IT to speedup turnover time c. Check URL before releasing records in OPAC d. Follow-up record enrichment 20

21 21 E-book Service Rule of Thumb (B) 3. Access a. Provide multiple access points – OPAC & database links b. Decide “who”, “what”, “where” for e-book access according to license agreement c. Setup remote access for legitimate users – authentication via VPN or Proxy Server d. Test both remote and on-campus access e. Make sure specific e-book reading programmes are installed and tested on Library and Campus Computer Labs f. Monitor and update e-book reading programmes periodically g. For e-books locked to specific readers, keep records on what have been bought for which readers 4. User Support a. Train library staff to provide basic troubleshooting b. Assign a coordinator between frontline service staff and back office technical support c. Establish clear vendor support mechanism 21

22 22 E-book Service Rule of Thumb (C) 5. Promotion a. Publicize major e-book acquisitions via various channels – email, campus news, posters, library homepage, etc. b. Organize information literacy classes which teach and promote the use of major e-book titles/collections 6. Usage Monitoring a. Collect and monitor usage statistics from day one b. Produce “CPA - Cost Per Access” reports c. Develop weeding policies for e-books 22

23 23 Lingnan E-book Collection Development Policy Priority is given to the development of the print collection. Electronic texts will be acquired if they are suitable for scholarly use and will either support teaching programs or be relevant to the education and research mission of the University. In addition, one or more of the following criteria will be applied when acquiring electronic books: 1. Uniqueness – A book title is available in electronic format only. 2. Access – The acquisition of an electronic book should facilitate access and alleviate the need for multiple physical copies. Examples are reference materials and textbooks. 3. Convenience of use – A book title is accessible either via a dedicated system with value-added features or directly through the Library catalogue. Users should be able to print pages or chapters as they would with a print text. 4. Currency of content – The content of a title is updated frequently. 5. Authoritative text – The text is authoritative, i.e. provided by a trustworthy and critical source and ideally includes an image of the original for verification. For example, Project Gutenberg texts would not be considered as authoritative. 23

24 24 E-books = Going Green? 24

25 25 Thank You!

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