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Jot down the terminology on:  Camera angle  Camera movement  Editing  Sound  And mise-en-scene  0pSo&safe=active.

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Presentation on theme: "Jot down the terminology on:  Camera angle  Camera movement  Editing  Sound  And mise-en-scene  0pSo&safe=active."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jot down the terminology on:  Camera angle  Camera movement  Editing  Sound  And mise-en-scene  0pSo&safe=active 0pSo&safe=active


3  When might each be used and why?

4  Think about when and why the camera moves rather than keeping the shot still – why might this happen?  For all these shots the camera moves on the spot, except for tracking, crab and peds where the camera man or equipment has to physically move

5  Cutting rate. This relates to speed – how quickly or slowly do shots cut to the next one – why does this matter?  Fade, dissolve (mix). Both fades and dissolves are gradual transitions between shots. In a fade the picture gradually appears from (fades in) or disappears to (fades out) a blank screen. A dissolve (or mix) involves fading out one picture while fading up another on top of it.

6  Which music is used and why?  Which sound effects are used and why?  Diegetic sound is picked up by the camera – i.e. Dialogue  Non-diegetic sound is put on in post-production i.e. afterwards in the editing stages.

7  This means ‘what is in the scene’?  For this analyse the following things:  Costume and props if relevant – analyse the connotations now of Darth Vadar’s costume.  Think about colour in the scene and lighting – why might this make a difference to the action or mood?  How does location relate to the scene’s content?

8  yxl8 yxl8 How are graphics, colour and movement used for effect here?

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