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Presentation on theme: " ŠkolaStřední průmyslová škola Zlín Název projektu, reg. č.Inovace výuky prostřednictvím ICT v SPŠ Zlín, CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0333 Vzdělávací."— Presentation transcript:

1 ŠkolaStřední průmyslová škola Zlín Název projektu, reg. č.Inovace výuky prostřednictvím ICT v SPŠ Zlín, CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0333 Vzdělávací oblast Jazykové vzdělávání a komunikace Vzdělávací oborAnglický jazyk Tematický okruhOslavy TémaOslavy Tematická oblastOslavy NázevThanskgiving - traditions AutorMgr. Jitka Javorová Vytvořeno, pro obor, ročníkBřezen 2013, stavebnictví, 1. ročník AnotacePrezentace – Thansgiving-traditions Přínos/cílové kompetenceRozšíření učiva učebnice Opportunities, M 5, Celebration VY_32_INOVACE_16_18

2 Thanksgiving Traditions and eating



5  Q: Who is not hungry at Thanksgiving?  A: The turkey because he's already stuffed!

6  The celebration of Thanksgiving will be incomplete without the legendary Turkey.  It derives its name from the 'turk turk' sounds it makes when scared.  Turkey was at one time being considered as the national symbol of America.  Benjamin Franklin felt that turkey was the right choice because it was a good runner and had a sharp sight.  A bald eagle later became the national symbol of America.

7  Delicious Baked Turkey Ingredients: One un-stuffed Turkey 2 large bottles of kraft zesty Italion salad dressing Method of Preparation: Place turkey in roasting pan, pour salad dressing over the bird. Cover with foil and bake 12 - 14 hours at 180 - 200 degrees.  Uncover and turn heat up to 35 - 375 degrees and bake for an additional 1/2 hour or so, until golden brown.  Basting is optional, but not necessary. The bird will literally fall off the bone when you try to remove it from the pan, and literally melt in your mouth. Left overs make awesome sandwiches, enchiladas soups and spreads.  Do not stuff the turkey, and cut a small portion off the bird (before using dressing), or save giblets for gravy and or stuffing.  Tips: My wife and I found out the hard way that Italion salad dressing does not make a good gravy or stuffing. If stuffing is desired just bake it in a separate dish. By the way, left over turkey is never a problem in our house since starting this.... guests usually take a giant plate home with them. Thanksgiving Day Recipe by Ralph Barnhart

8  Every year, the President of the United States will "pardon" a turkey, which spares the bird's life and ensures that it will spend the duration of its life roaming freely on farmland

9 a piece of cake



12  Pumpkin pie, a modern staple adorning every dinner table, is unlikely to have been a part of the first thanksgiving feast. Pilgrims however, did have boiled pumpkin. Diminishing supply of flour led to the absence of any kind of bread.

13  is one of the popular symbols of thanksgiving.  It came in many varieties and colours -red, white, yellow and blue.  Some Americans considered blue and white corn sacred.  It is said that native Americans had been growing corn a long time before the pilgrims arrived in their country.  The oldest corns date 7000 years back and were grown in Mexico.  Americans taught pilgrims how to grow corn and helped them survive the bitter winter of 1620.  It is certain that corn were a part of the first thanksgiving dinner.

14 Corn cob

15  The tradition continues and corn finds its place on every dinner table world over during thanksgiving dinner.  Ornamental Corncobs are quite popular during the festival.  They are used to decorate dining tables and make harvest wreaths- a popular gift item among Americans.  Ornamental popcorns are also widely used.  Corn reminds us of the importance and heritage of the famous harvest festival. It also remains America's foundation of 'Modern-Agriculture '.

16 Cranberry bush with fruit

17  Originally called crane berry, it derived its name from its pink blossoms and drooping head which reminded the pilgrim of a crane.  Pilgrims soon found out a way to sweeten the bitten cranberries with maple sugar.  Ever since cranberry sauce is a permanent companion of turkey during thanksgiving feast.

18  Preparation Time: 25 minutes  Ingredients: 1 Packet (12 ounces) fresh cranberries 1/2 Cup balsamic vinegar 1/2 Cup sugar 1 Teaspoon nutmeg powder 1 Teaspoon cinnamon powder 1 Teaspoon pepper 1 Teaspoon cumin powder  Method of Preparation: Cook cranberries, vinegar and sugar on high flame in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Add nutmeg, cinnamon, cumin and pepper. Simmer and keep stirring until the mixture is of thick consistency.

19  Cornucopia is the most common symbol of a harvest festival.  A Horn shaped container, it is filled with abundance of the Earth's harvest. It is also known as the 'horn of plenty'.


21  are a special symbol of thanksgiving.  Native Americans are believed to have taught the pilgrims to grow beans next to cornstalks.  This was so that beans could grow and use cornstalks as their pole.


23  The traditional Thanksgiving parade probably started with President Lincoln proclaiming it an official day.  The full- dress parade is a way to display the country's military strength and discipline.  The main aim of such parades is to lift the spirits of the spectators, provide them with wholesome entertainment.  In the present day, parades are accompanied with musical shows and celebrities.

24 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on Broadway in the upper 40s, 1979


26  Watching NFL football during Thanksgiving is a popular tradition.  The traditional game between the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers continues.  One of the most memorable games having been played on this day.



29  Q: If April showers bring May flowers what do May flowers bring?  A: Pilgrims!  Q: What happened to the Pilgrim who was shot at by an Indian?  A: He had an arrow escape.  Asked to write a composition entitled, "What I'm thankful for on Thanksgiving," a student wrote, "I am thankful that I'm not a turkey."


31  http://www.thanksgiving- recipes.html#pineapplecheesesalad ore.JPG nksgiving_Day_Parade _at_2009_Pro_Bowl.jpg

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