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U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey USGS Data.Gov Group: Report to CDI September 17, 2009 1.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey USGS Data.Gov Group: Report to CDI September 17, 2009 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey USGS Data.Gov Group: Report to CDI September 17, 2009 1

2 Data.Gov Group so far Ione L Taylor, Fundamental Science Practices Keith G Kirk, Regional Publishing Official Dave Ferderer, Data manager Douglas D Nebert, FGDC Robert R Pierce, Geospatial Advisor - EGIM Edward J McFaul, Geology Peter N Schweitzer, Metadata Repository Thomas F Lahr/Kate Kase, NBII Raymond C Obuch, USGS EA-Data Architecture (acting) - DOI DAC Scott McEwen, CR GIO Sky Bristol, Science Data Catalog David Govoni, Science Communities of Practice Karen Klima, USGS Data.Gov Point of Contact 2

3 Part of President Obama’s Open Government Initiative (Presidential Memorandum “Transparency and Open Government”, dated 1/21/2009) “ Information should be disclosed rapidly in forms that the public can readily find and use” Data.Gov: Allows public to easily find, download, and use federal datasets and tools Leverages technology to get datasets available on the site as quickly as possible Provides transformational potential for federal data dissemination strategies and incorporating semantic web

4 went live on May 21 4 150,000 hits per day; 579 datasets in Raw Data Catalog; 208 feeds, widgets, and tools; and 110,000 entries in Geodata Catalog (as of 8/25/09)

5 5 -Over 25 raw USGS data sets; 3 in the top 6 data sets -Over 450 USGS data sets out of 110,000 in Geodata Catalog -Featured USGS Global Visualization Viewer of 10 million aerial photos and satellite images -FGDC involvement in metadata template -Automated publishing interface with Geospatial One Stop -Increase in Web traffic to USGS to obtain datasets and other information USGS Active Now in (8/09)

6 6 Present Ad hoc publishing of enterprise/corporate data to Data.Gov Short Term Establish interim USGS data publishing work flow and policy for Longer Term Leverage internal data publishing process for USGS to inventory, understand, protect, and share its data with others, including Possible USGS Data Publishing Strategy

7 Interim Data Publishing Workflow Model Nominate Who: Any employee Approve Metadata Who: Originating Program Programmatic approval of the metadata record Release Data Who: Originating Program Programmatic approval of the release of the data to Ensures data is authoritative, meets information Guidelines, and is suitable For public disclosure Publish Who: USGS POC Single point of contact for publication to Uses online system to submit datasets and tools Maintains metadata Tracks progress of submissions With dashboard 7 Data.Gov process serves as catalyst and first step towards longer term USGS Data Publishing Process

8 8 1.Goal Statement: Explain Data.Gov, encourage USGS participation, and connect to CDI and longer term data publishing strategy 2.Data Selection: Define criteria for selecting relevant and authoritative datasets and tools 3.Workflow: Provide procedure for publishing data to Data.Gov 4.Metadata Guidelines, leveraging metadata template 5.Appropriate data formats 6.Implementation: Contacts, support for assisting USGS data owners Proposed Interim Deliverables

9 9 FY 2010 Timeline for Discussion MilestoneTarget Date Review of current USGS publishing process, metadata services, policy Oct Draft memo and process for review Nov Release and Implement memo and process Dec Recommendations to CDI for longer term publishing process Winter Update charter to reflect CDI Decision Winter Review model publishing strategies Spring Proposal for longer term publishing process Summer Evaluation of process implementation Fall

10 10 1.What is the charge for this group in developing longer term overall data publishing strategy? 2.Is renaming our group to “Data Publishing Working Group” a better reflection of our charge? 3.The charge of this group overlaps with others, especially metadata. What is the unique role of this group? How do we ensure coordination? 4.Others? Scope Questions

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