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BWG - Applications Munich, Germany June 2001. Applications Goals from San Jose Meeting –Formulation of Templates for the following deliverables Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "BWG - Applications Munich, Germany June 2001. Applications Goals from San Jose Meeting –Formulation of Templates for the following deliverables Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 BWG - Applications Munich, Germany June 2001

2 Applications Goals from San Jose Meeting –Formulation of Templates for the following deliverables Applications Overview Things to Consider Overview (to be done instead by Best Practices WG) Case Studies – Lessons Learned, Business Case Achieved –Formulation of Applications Overview Template with some strawman results (attached) –Work on Case Study with Fannie Mae delayed until late summer per their request. Goals for Munich Meeting –Review Template, update –Review Strawman, add comments, update for future Draft Release –Sign up participants for input and review, post-meeting –Decide on one Case Study participant from EU. [In US, Fannie Mae]

3 Applications Example Applications oSecure web access/permission management oEnterprise applications: VPN, oB2C, B2B, G2C, G2B oReduced/single sign-on oDigitally signing travel reports oSecure Electronic messaging oWireless access control oPhysical access control oExtranet access oSecure payments oSSL, SET, home banking, int’l payments oSecure electronic document signing oLegally-binding contracts oSecure content delivery oDownload software, ebooks, emusic

4 Applications – Example Strawman Key MarketsCommon ApplicationsUsage example Financial Services - Payment authentication - Access Control - Secure messaging/email - Secure document storage/retrieval - Digital notary - Guarantee - Purchasing stock, funds - Online banking - SEC filings - Electronic mortgages, application and storage - Title documents, loans - Securing transaction B2B - Access control - Payment authentication - Allowing only online partners to view selected items (NDA, MOU, MOI,, RFP’s, Bids, Contracts) - Securing electronic payment transfers upon purchase

5 Applications WG - Template QuestionChoose from the following (if applicable) Notes Customer Industry  Financial Services [Banking – Insurance – Brokerage – Mortgage – Other ________]  Government ● Online marketplace  Retail ● Healthcare  Other_______________ Status of PKI project  Production ● Pilot  Development ● Planning  What is the problem/business need that the PKI solution is intended to solve?  Internal or External?  Informational or Transactional?  Description of the problem:  __________________________ ______________________________ Applications used/description Tools (Application):  Digital Identity  Permission Mgmt/Access Control  Secure Forms  Secure Messaging  Secure email  B2C online shopping  B2B e-commerce  ASPs  Electronic contracts  Other How is Application being used?: _______________________

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