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Non Medical Consultants in the North West Helen Kilgannon, Asst Director, Workforce Modernisation Juliette Swift, Workforce Modernisation Manager Healthier.

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Presentation on theme: "Non Medical Consultants in the North West Helen Kilgannon, Asst Director, Workforce Modernisation Juliette Swift, Workforce Modernisation Manager Healthier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Non Medical Consultants in the North West Helen Kilgannon, Asst Director, Workforce Modernisation Juliette Swift, Workforce Modernisation Manager Healthier Horizons

2 Better Care Better Health Better Life Outline NW workforce strategy & progress to date Rationale for the NMC evaluation The future

3 NW Workforce Strategy Our NHS, our future, NW workforce & education strategy 2009 Local workforce plans Workforce redesign and skill mix change across the whole career framework for health Including Assistant & Advanced Practitioners 12 High impact skill mix changes Evaluating the impact of new roles, eg case studies

4 Evaluating new roles Lessons & observations from previous work Importance of organisational culture & preparation Leadership Role clarity Difficulties with measuring & describing impact

5 QIPP and High Impact skill mix changes Redesigning roles to save money yes possibly- substitution, productivity! A better approach is to look at whether or not staff are doing work that adds value. Eliminating waiting, duplication, unnecessary movement and other sources of waste is a necessary first step. Improving appraisal, supervision, sickness management and other basic processes is also important. But both of these need to be completed before the true scope of the potential for job redesign can be identified NHS Confederation (2010)- Dealing with the down-turn NHS Workforce is the second biggest resource they are they key to QIPP Call for evidence Skill mix changes, how they impact on QIPP.

6 Non Medical Consultants in the NW -progress to date QA peer review panel for new posts Led by AHP workforce lead, multi-professional, employer rep, SHA, HEI. Business case template includes –Role description, JD & work-plan –Service rationale –Infrastructure, support & funding –Links to higher education and research

7 Non Medical Consultants in the NW -progress to date Database of posts Consultant midwife work Research & development scoping exercise Some development of NMC Forums

8 Non Medical Consultants in the NW -baseline numbers (headcount) Approx 130 multi- professional posts (76% in nursing) Including midwifery, primary care, acute, children’s and mental health A small number of new posts per year, difficult to keep up-to-date.

9 Rationale for the NW evaluation To provide a baseline of information and evidence To shape future workforce strategy & development of NMCs Impact of the role on: –Service delivery & patient care –Clinical leadership, research & education –Sustainability –Education & learning needs –Career pathway

10 Who are our NMCs & what do they do? Profile of experience, qualifications, previous role Title & pay-bands Turnover Where are there none, or lots? In comparison with other SHAs

11 Sustainability NW Advanced Practitioner development, a natural pool of recruits? Future QA of new posts Retention, CPD needs of NMCs, intention to stay, a career for life?

12 NMCs in the NW –the future An excellent baseline & wealth of information Some questions to consider… How best to share the findings, what can we all do, E win Do we need to stimulate demand for NMCs? What support is required in the future to develop NMC posts? The implications of Modernising Scientific Careers & Consultant Healthcare Scientists There is time later for questions about the findings

13 Thank you 0161 6257293

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