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Dr. HABEEB HATTAB HABEEB Dr. HABEEB HATTAB HABEEB Office: BN-Block, Level-3, Room-088 Ext. No.: 7292 UNITEN.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. HABEEB HATTAB HABEEB Dr. HABEEB HATTAB HABEEB Office: BN-Block, Level-3, Room-088 Ext. No.: 7292 UNITEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. HABEEB HATTAB HABEEB Dr. HABEEB HATTAB HABEEB Office: BN-Block, Level-3, Room-088 Email: Ext. No.: 7292 UNITEN Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

2 U niversity TENAGA National College Of Engineering Mechanical Department Academic Year – 2008-2009 Lecture Note UNITEN Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

3 CAM University TENAGA Nasional Lecturer: Habeeb Al-Ani Computer Aided Manufacturing UNITEN Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

4 Industrial Robotics Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

5 What is Automation and Robotics? Automation is the use of specialized machines to do a specific operation. Robotics is technology dealing with the design, construction, and operation of robots. Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

6 What is a Robot? Reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move materials, parts, tools, or other specialized devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks. Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

7 Robot Components Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

8 Robot Components Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

9 Types of Robots Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm Cylindrical Spherical Articulated Arm Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

10 Types of Robots Robot Manipulators Mobile Manipulators Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

11 Types of Robots Aerial Robots Locomotion Underwater robots Wheeled mobile robots Legged robots Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

12 Architecture of Robotic Systems 1.Mechanical Structure a. Kinematics model b. Dynamics model 2.Actuators: Electrical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Artificial Muscle 3.Computation and controllers 4.Sensors 5.Communications 6.User interface 7.Power conversion unit Environmental sensors Motion planner Controller Mechanical Structure Configuration sensor Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

13 Power Supplies Pneumatic – Single and double action cylinders Hydraulic – Cylinders and motors Electric – Motors, servos and steppers Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

14 Industrial Automation and Robotics Persons working with industrial robots must be familiar with the following: – LAN or local area network used to interconnect computers – MAP or manufacturing automation protocol is a data communications standard for manufacturing Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

15 Industrial Automation and Robotics – TOP or technical and office protocol is used in office automation to connect all systems. – PLC or programmable logic controller is the computer used in automated processes. Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

16 When To Use a Robot The task is dirty, dull, dangerous, or difficult People are not willing to do the job Makes short term and long term economic sense Make life more enjoyable not take a job from a human Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

17 Why Use Robots? Application in 4D environments – Dangerous – Dirty – Dull – Difficult 4A tasks – Automation – Augmentation – Assistance – Autonomous Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

18 Why Use Robots? Increase product quality – Superior Accuracies (thousands of an inch, wafer- handling: micro inch) – Repeatable precision  Consistency of products Increase efficiency – Work continuously without fatigue – Need no vacation Increase safety – Operate in dangerous environment – Need no environmental comfort – air conditioning, noise protection, etc Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

19 Why Use Robots? Reduce Cost – Reduce scrap rate – Lower in-process inventory – Lower labor cost Reduce manufacturing lead time – Rapid response to changes in design Increase productivity – Value of output per person per hour increases Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

20 Work Envelope Cartesian Coordinates or rectangular – X, Y, Z Cylindrical Coordinates – R, Theta, Z Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

21 Other Coordinates Polar Coordinates – R, Theta, Beta Jointed Arm or Revolute coordinates – R, and multi angles Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

22 Robot Applications Manufacture Industry – Assembling – Automation Biotechnology – Micro/Nano manipulation – Sample Handling – Automated Analysis Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

23 Robot Applications Military Applications Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

24 Thank you! Lecturer: Dr. HABEEB ALANI University TENAGA Nasional

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