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ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics

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Presentation on theme: "ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics"— Presentation transcript:

1 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics
Kinetics of Particles Free Body Diagrams Cylindrical Coordinates ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics

2 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics
Example 1 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics

3 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics
Example 2 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics

4 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics

5 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics
Example 4 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics

6 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics

7 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics
Example 6 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics

8 Cylindrical Coordinates
ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics

9 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics
Calculating Ψ ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics

10 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics
Example 7 The boy of mas 40kg is sliding down the spiral slide at a constant speed such that his position, measured from the top of the chute, has components Determine the components of force which the slide exerts on him at the instant t=2s. Neglect the boys size. ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics

11 ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics
Example 8 The 0.5 lb particle is guided along the circular path using the slotted arm guide. If the arm has an angular velocity of 4 rad/s and an angular acceleration of 8 rad/s2 ath the instant θ=30°, determine the force of the guide on the particle. Motion occurs in the horizontal plane. ESC020: Rigid Body Mechanics

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