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Presentation on theme: " Personalised Health & Care 2020 Beverley Bryant Director of Strategic Systems and Technology NHS England #healthdata 18 th November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personalised Health & Care 2020 Beverley Bryant Director of Strategic Systems and Technology NHS England #healthdata 18 th November 2014

2 Driving demand for digital records Skills and capabilities Interoperability Achieving an Integrated Digital Care Record

3 The implementation process Establish governance & maintain Establish cross discipline team Mobilisation & Governance Involve stakeholders in requirements, planning Ongoing comms Clinical engagement Pre-procurement market engagement Create procurement strategy Prepare business case Sourcing strategy Performance management Maintenance, support and change management Supplier management Requirements Sourcing strategy Procure -ment Implementation Mobilisation Effort (FTE) 6 mos12 mos18 mos24 mos30 mos 36 mos 42 mos Clinical engagement Supplier management Needs identification Engage stakeholders Develop specification Align to market capability Requirements Tender preparation Evaluation Contracting and Award Procurement Integration, testing and piloting Data extraction Comms, training and adoption Implementation Clarification Terms & conditions, schedules & KPIs Contracting Governance

4 Prevent ill health and promote good health: e.g. I want to improve my health and/or wellbeing or avoid past experiences of poor health Promote early intervention: e.g. I have a symptom, I need help Reassure and give confidence: e.g. I have a diagnosis or question related to my care, what do I do Access to services or treatment: e.g. I need a service, how do I choose and access it Motivate: e.g. I have an illness and I am not involved in planning my care NHS Choices service objectives

5 NHS Choices service principles Listed below are the service principles that will guide the design and development of NHS Choices, based on Government Digital Service design principles 1.Start with needs (*user needs not government needs) 2.Do less 3.Design with data 4.Do the hard work to make it simple 5.Build for inclusion 6.Build digital services, not websites 7.Make things open; it makes things better 8.Modular

6 e-Referrals GP Appointment Booking Access to Records Prescriptions Click and Collect Transactions exemplars

7 As a user I want to use safe and effective health apps to better manage my health and care needs As a clinician I want to prescribe or recommend effect apps that are fit for purpose and meet public needs Local organisation want guidance on commissioning shared best practice to know what apps are our there As a developer, I want my apps to be kitemarked and become integrated into everyday lives and healthcare systems There are a number of user needs for health apps…

8 Building Capability in a Digital NHS Leadership, leadership, leadership Your team Your organisation In collaboration with others, across the system Building confidence and credibility In you as a manager and leader In your vision and strategy In your team’s ability to deliver Develop knowledge and skills How to influence and engage Strategic thinking Business development The clinical context and clinical perspective “Technical” expertise

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