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Geospatial Development with Python

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1 Geospatial Development with Python

2 Writing a Program in Python
A program is a collection of Python statements, functions, etc. A script is a list of commands which are run by a program written in a specific language such as Python Scripts can be edited by text editors or preferably by a specialized editor that also allows the script to run We can use Python command line in Windows However, the use of the command line is limited (it does not support testing scripts) So, instead we use the Python script editor (an IDE) that has a better interface than the command line mode

3 IDLE We will also continue using the IDLE environment for Python scripting IDLE is available with Python download Using the interactive Python interpreter is great for writing small code However, it is not meant to be saved! For larger, more complex multi-line code, it is better to write it as a script (rather than using the interactive Python interpreter, e.g., IDLE)

4 Writing Script > File > New Window
This gives you a new ‘Untitled’ scripting window There is no Python prompt in this window Try: print (“Hello Python World”) in the window Because the script is not interactive, nothing would happen It needs to be run as a program (script) to do anything So, let’s save it > File >Save As Save it as “” in: C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.1\My Scripts

5 Write and Run the Script
Type: print “Hello Python World” in IDLE; save it in the directory in your Python 27 download directory After saving the script, run it in IDLE > Run > Run Module We get the following window

6 Install PythonWin For the textbook exercises you need to download PythonWin editor Download it from: Starting from ArcGIS 10.x you can also use Python in ArcGIS for Desktop application

7 Scripting Scripting in ArcGIS allows you to write a program to run a sequence of tools Python is a primary, text-based scripting language in ArcGIS Scripts can be used as a tool, by adding them to your toolbox or as stand alone programs Scripts can handle complex tasks, like: Looping through and inserting between records in a database Error handling Allowing applications (e.g., MS Excel and R statistical package) to interoperate and communicate Scripts can be programmed to automatically run at a specific time

8 Running an ArcGIS tool in Python
Insert the book’s DVD in your optical drive, and install it by double clicking the esri executable application. Download data and exercises in ESRIPress

9 Geospatial Data Information about an object located on the surface of Earth using coordinates e.g., location of an antenna, shape of a river, outline of a stratigraphic unit Geospatial data associate information with a specific location e.g., salinity or temperature of water in a well The data are defined by a series of coordinates (lat, long) in addition to other information about the attributes of the spatial object (e.g., temperature, type, elevation, …) Data also comes with metadata, about: datum, projection, coordinate system, units of data, date file was created, … These geospatial data are stored in a geodatabase e.g., data about parks, Chattahoochee River, and roads in Atlanta We can query the geodatabase and find: What is the area of the Piedmont Park How many bridges are there across the Chattahoochee How fat is GSU from the Airport

10 GIS Data Formats Raster format Vector format
Used to store bitmapped images, e.g., aerial photograph e.g., DEM In DEM, each pixel represents height of a point on Earth surface Vector format Represent spatial data with points, lines, and polygon such as ESRI’s shapefile (e.g., Atlanta.shp) or Simple Features, which is an openGIS standard for storing point, line, and polygon, and their attributes

11 Tools Tools such as PostGIS or ArcCatalog allow us to develop geodatabase and find answers to these questions We can also use Web services, for example, to find the coordinate of each point, e.g., using: And then use an application to find the distance between the two points, using Python

12 Python Libraries for Geospatial Development
There are two popular Python libraries for raster and vector data: GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) Is for raster-based geospatial data; aailable for download at: Windows user use Frank Warmerdam’s “FWTools” open source GIS binaries for Windows (32 bit); available at: # includes gdal and ogr OGR Is for vector-based geospatial data and is available for download at: NOTE: These are now merged together and are downloaded together under the common name GDAL

13 GDAL Data Model GDAL’s data model includes:
Dataset, which hold the raster data in a collection of raster bands Raster Band: represents a band, channel, or layer within an image (e.g., RGB image has red, green, and blue components of the image) Raster size: specifies the width of the image in pixels and overall height of the image in lines Georeferencing transform converts from x,y coordinates into georeferenced coordinates (on the surface of Earth) Affine transformation mathematical formula allowing operations such as X offset, Y offset, X scale, Y scale, horizontal shear, vertical shear Coordinate system includes the projection and datum Metadata provide additional information about the dataset

14 GDAL example Python code
Use GDAL to calculate the average of the height values contained in a DEM: from osgeo import gdal, gdalconst dataset = gdal.Open(”DEM.dat”) band = dataset.GetRAsterBand(1) fmt= “<“ + (“h” * band.XSize) totHeight = 0 for y in range (band.Ysize): scanline = band.ReadRaster (0, y, band.Xsize, 1, band.Xsize, 1, band.DataType) values = struct.unpack(fmt, scanline) for value in values: totHeight = totHeight + value average = totHeight / (band.xSize * band.YSize) print “Average height = “, average

15 OGR Datasource: represents the file (e.g., a country), has many:
Layers: sets of related data, e.g., terrain, contour lines, roads layers Spatial reference: specifies datum and projection Attributes: additional metadata about the feature Geometry: specifies the shape and location of the feature. Are recursive, i.e., can have sub-geometries

16 OGR example Python code
import osgeo.ogr from osgeo import ogr shapefile = ogr.Open(“TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp”) layer = shapefile.GetLayer (0) for i in range (layer.GetFeatureCount()): feature = layer.GetFeature(i) name = feature.GetField(“NAME”) geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef() print i, name, geometry.GetGeometryName()

17 Projections We need to know which projection our data uses
Projection: deals with mapping geospatial position onto a 2D Cartesian plane with special cartographic algorithms Also need to know the datum assumed by the data Datum: model of the Earth shape The good thins is that Python does the conversion of projections and datums into each other with its pyproj library. Pyproj is available at:

18 Projections A process that maps the 3D Earth into a 2D map
There are hundreds of projection algorithms, but none is perfect; all have distortions to area, shape, length, angle, etc. We need to choose one whose distortion does not matter for our purpose For our geo-spatial analysis (plotting or doing calculations), we need to know what type of projection was used to create the data!

19 Coordinate System Projected Coordinate System
3D Earth is projected onto the 2D Cartesian plane, and then puts points on that plane The coordinates refer to a point on a 2D map that represent 3D Earth Need to define an origin and map units Unprojected Coordinate System These directly and accurately refer to a point on the 3D Earth surface, but make it difficult to calculate distance Latitude and longitude are examples of unprojected coor. Sys.

20 UTM Both types of coordinate systems require a reference,
For unprojected lat/long origin is at the Greenwich observatory, and zero latitude represents equator Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system divides the Earth into 60 zones; each with a different map projection to minimize error The reference point (origin) is at the intersection of the equator and the central meridian for each zone False northing and false easting are added to the distance in m from this reference to avoid negative numbers

21 Types of Projection There are 3 main groups: Cylindrical
3D Earth (imagine it is a small, lit spherical lantern) is put inside a cylinder, and projected (2D) mathematically onto the cylinder The cylinder is then unwrapped Conic The 3D Earth is projected onto a cone surface E.g., Albers Equal-Area Projection Azimuthal The 3D Earth is projected directly onto a flat surface The Earth is seen as if we look at it from space

22 pyproj Library The pyproj library includes two classes: Proj and Geod
Is a transformation class that converts lat, long to cartographic native map x,y coordinates (default is m), and vice versa The following instantiates a Proj object: projection = pyproj.Proj (proj=‘tmerc’, ellipse=‘WGS84’) The transform() function converts one projection into another

23 pyproj Example Python Code
import pyproj UTM_X = # UTM coordinates UTM_Y = #Use two Proj objects to define the UTM and lat/long projections srcProj = pyproj.Proj (proj = “utm”, zone = “17”, ellips=“clrk66”, units=“m”) dstProj = pyproj.Proj (proj = ‘longlat’, ellips=‘WGS84’, datum=‘WGS84’) #transform the coordinates into latitude and longitude values long, lat = pyproj.transform (srcProj, dstProj, UTM_X, UTM_Y) print “UTM zone 17 coordinate (%0.4f, %0.4f) = %0.4f, %0.4f” % (UTM_X, UTM_Y, lat, long)

24 Geod Performs great circle distance (between two points on Earth) and angle calculations The fwd() function starts from a point, and given an azimuth and distance, finds the ending point and returns the back azimuth (angle from the end to the beginning point; ccw back azimuth is negative, e.g., azimuth=30, backazimuth is -150) The inv() function takes the coordinates of two points and returns the forward and backward azimuth

25 Geod example Python Code
#given a lat, long position of a point, uses a geod object to calculate another point 10 km northeast of the first point angle = 15 #15 degrees from N distance = 10000 geod – pyproj.Geod(ellips=‘clrk66’) long2, lat2, invAngle = geod.fwd(long, lat, angle, distance) print “%o.4f, %0.4f is 10 km northeast of %0.4f, %0.4f” %(lat2, long2, lat, long)

26 Shapely Package
Shapely is a python library for working and analyzing 2D geospatial geometries in the Cartesian plane import shapely.geometry pt = shapely.geometry.point (0, 0) circle=pt.buffer(1.0) square= shapely.geometry.polygon ([ (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 0)]) intesect = circle.intersection(square) for x,y in instersect.exterior.coords: print x, y

27 Example # location of two points given by their coordinates # It is best if the locations are stored in a geodatabase Import pyproj lat1, long1 = ( , ) lat2, long2 = ( , ) geod = pyproj.Geod (ellips =“WGS84”) # WGS84 is a Datum angle1, angle2, distance = geod.inv (long1, lat1, long2, lat2) Print “Distance is %0.2f m” % distance Distance is m

28 Mapping Applications Mapnik takes geospatial data in any format (supported by GDAL/OGR) and renders them in a map It provides rules and symbolizers to control how objects appear on the map Mapnik supports Python

29 Mapnik Mapnik is available from: Import mapnik
symbolizer=mapnik.PolygonSymbolizer(mapnik.color(“darkgreen”) rule = mapnik.rule() rule.symbols.append(symbolizer) style = style.rules.append(rule) layer = mapnik.Layer(“mapLayer”) layer.datasource = mapnik.Shapefile (file=“TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp”)“mapstyle”) map = mapnik.Map(800, 400) map.background = mapnik.Color(“Steelblue”) map.append_style(“mapStyle”, style) map.layers.append(layer) map.zoom_all() mapnik.render_to_file (map, “map.png”, “png”) Mapnik is available from:

30 Work with geospatial data with Python
Before anything, download the following: Make sure the download is for the version of the Python which is on your computer (e.g., v. 2.7) and for your machine (32 bit vs. 64 bit) GDA/OGR pyproj Shapely

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