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Presentation on theme: "Geoterms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geoterms

2 absolute location the precise point where a place is located on Earth
Example: The Dana Centre is on the corner of Queen’s Gate and Imperial College Road Also, coordinates of latitude and longitude tell us absolute location

3 relative location Where a place is located in relation to another place Example: Greenland is northeast of Canada. The United States is south of Canada.

4 distortion a change in the shape, size, or position of a place when it is shown on a map Example: The Mercator map shows the correct shapes of the continents, but distorts their size. The Equal-Area Cylindrical map shows the correct size of the continents but distorts their shapes.

5 parallels of latitude lines on the global grid system that run east and west They measure NORTH and SOUTH.

6 meridians of longitude
lines on the global grid that run from the north pole to the south pole They measure EAST and WEST.

7 prime meridian This is 0° longitude. It runs through Greenwich, England

8 International Date Line
A line of meridian that runs through the Pacfic Ocean and is exactly half way around the world from the prime meridian. *Most of this line runs along 180° longitude, which is on the opposite side of the globe from the prime meridian.

9 hemispheres This term means “half circle.”
The Earth can either be divided into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, or the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

10 climate zone a zone that has a a particular pattern of temperature and precipitation Australia has 6 different climate zones, which are shown by the different colors

11 precipitation rain, snow, or other moisture

12 arid a climate that is hot and dry all year with little rain

13 desert a geographic region with too little rainfall to support much plant life (also a type of vegetation zone)

14 vegetation zones an area with a certain mix of plants and trees that are adapted to similar conditions This map shows that Europe has 11 different vegetation zones

15 land use the way people use a particular area of land
Examples: farming, development, preservation

16 fossil fuels any fuel that is made from the remains of prehistoric plants and animals Examples: gasoline, coal

17 hydroelectric power electricity generated from the power of moving water

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