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Copyright 2013-15 1 COMP 2410 – Networked Information Systems IC3 – Web 2.0 and Social Media Roger Clarke Xamax Consultancy, Canberra Visiting Professor,

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright 2013-15 1 COMP 2410 – Networked Information Systems IC3 – Web 2.0 and Social Media Roger Clarke Xamax Consultancy, Canberra Visiting Professor,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright 2013-15 1 COMP 2410 – Networked Information Systems IC3 – Web 2.0 and Social Media Roger Clarke Xamax Consultancy, Canberra Visiting Professor, A.N.U. and U.N.S.W. {.ppt,.pdf} ANU RSCS, 19 March 2015

2 Copyright 2013-15 2 Neworked Information Systems This Series of Six Lectures 1.Network App Architectures (Earlier Lecture).1Master-Slave Architecture.2Client-Server Architecture incl. Cloud Computing.3Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Architecture.4 Networks without People 2.Particular Kinds of Networked Application 2.1Mobile Computing (Previous Lecture) 2.2Web 2.0 and Social Media (This Lecture) 3.Networked Info Systems Security (3 Lectures)

3 Copyright 2013-15 3 1.Web 2.0 Pre-Cursors to Web 2.0 The Dimensions of Web 2.0 Content Syndication Advertising Syndication Storage Syndication Effort Syndication The Architecture of Collaboration

4 Copyright 2013-15 4 ‘Web 2.0’ – by Marketing Cliché A way of thought, rather than a technology: ‘The world has changed’ (get with it) ‘Loosen up’ (you can’t control) ‘Open up’ (you can’t stay closed) ‘Be accessible’ (not just web-browsers) ‘Involve’ (get users on the inside) ‘Mutate’ (continuous improvement’ / ‘gamma’; or is that just an excuse for ‘permanent beta’?)

5 Copyright 2013-15 5 ‘Syndication’ Originally, a ‘syndicate’ was a group of investors, cf. a joint venture More recently, a means of distribution esp. of media material e.g. sports photos, cartoons, and opinions by commentators In this context, arrangements by which a party that originates content (a) licenses others to utilise it, and (b) facilitates dissemination of copies of it, and of metadata about it

6 Copyright 2013-15 6 ‘Content Syndication’ – 1980-2000 Posts to Usenet News, Fora, eMail-Lists Personalised eNewspapers (by fax, then email,...) eMail Notification when a web-page changes Mirrors of web-page content ‘Web-Logs’ / ‘Blogs’ 'Who I'm Reading' feature of blogs 'Feeds' of recently-published headlines & URLs using XML/RDF-based RSS and Atom

7 Copyright 2013-15 7 ‘Content Syndication’ – 2004- Posts to Usenet News, Fora, eMail-Lists Personalised eNewspapers (by fax, then email,...) eMail Notification when a web-page changes Mirrors of web-page content ‘Web-Logs’ / ‘Blogs’ 'Who I'm Reading' feature of blogs 'Feeds' of recently-published headlines & URLs using XML/RDF-based RSS and Atom 'Wall-Postings' on the inside-walls of 'Walled Gardens' Expose-Yourself / Expose-Your-Friends

8 Copyright 2013-15 8 ‘Advertising Syndication’ Overture (1998) Google AdWords (2000) From ‘Pay-per-ad’ (per insert/appearance) To 'Pay-per-click’ (per click on an ad): Advertisers use metadata (‘keywords’) to indicate what the ad is about They do pay to use a keyword They don’t pay for an ad display They do pay when someone clicks on it

9 Copyright 2013-15 9 'The Architecture of Participation' aka ‘Harnessing Collective Intelligence’ and ‘The Surging Wisdom of Crowds’ Self-Publishing / 'Vanity Press' Now called ‘Content Syndication’

10 Copyright 2013-15 10 Self-Publishing / 'Vanity Press' Now called ‘Content Syndication’ – Randall Munroe "You are welcome to reprint occasional comics pretty much anywhere (presentations, papers, blogs with ads, etc). "If you're not outright merchandizing, you're probably fine. "Just be sure to attribute the comic to" [CC-BY-NC]

11 Copyright 2013-15 11 'The Architecture of Participation' aka ‘Harnessing Collective Intelligence’ and ‘The Surging Wisdom of Crowds’ Self-Publishing / 'Vanity Press' Now called ‘Content Syndication’ Collaborative Publishing: CSCW – shared text-documents Wikis generally, esp. Wikipedia Zoho, Google Docs, MS Office365 Free-Text Metadata: ‘folksonomy', ‘tags’, ‘tag-clouds’

12 Copyright 2013-15 12 The Communitarian Perspective: An Architecture of Collaboration? Wikipedia A reference repository Collaborative authorship Flickr: A photo repository Free-text meta-tags Hence a ‘folksonomy’ (cf. taxonomy) Hence ‘tag-clouds’ (word-size in display proportional to frequency) Bookmark repository Free-text meta-tags On to ‘folksonomy’ and tag-clouds YouTube: Video repository On to......

13 Copyright 2013-15 13 2.Social Media Means what? Same as Social Networking Services? More? Different?

14 Copyright 2013-15 14 [Achtung: 2013 Graphic]

15 Copyright 2013-15 15 Social Networking Services Generic Facebook, Google+, tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest,... Americas – Nexopia (Canada), Orkut, Badoo (South) Africa – LAGbook, Mxit Europe Xing, StudiVZ (German), iWiW (Hungary), Skyrock, The Sphere (French), Tuenti (Spain), Hyves (The Netherlands), Nasza-Klasa (Poland), VKontakte (Russia), (Latvia),... Asia – Cyworld (Korea), Mixi (Japan), renren, weibo (PRC), Wretch (Taiwan),... [Achtung: 2013 List]

16 Copyright 2013-15 16 Social Networks – Monthly Active Users – Jan 2013

17 Copyright 2013-15 17 the-worlds-largest-social-networks -2013-12 Social Networks Monthly Active Users (MAUs) October 2013

18 Copyright 2013-15 18 Social Networks Monthly Active Users Jan 2015 statistics/272014/ global-social-networks-ranked- by-number-of-users/

19 Copyright 2013-15 19 Social Networking Service Conventional Definition A web-site, probably requiring login Supports existing social networks and/or builds new social networks Person-centric not group-centric Core Features Personal Profile Text Postings Other-Media Postings Messaging

20 Copyright 2013-15 20 Social Media My Definition An application or service that is perceived by its users to support them in relation to: Interaction with other people Broadcast to other people Sharing with other people

21 Copyright 2013-15 21 Functions of Social Media

22 Copyright 2013-15 22 Functions of Social Media Email / Chat-IM / Skype Messaging /... Web-Pages 'Walled-garden' 'wall-postings' Flickr, YouTube,... Wikis,..., Twitter? Dis/Approval 'Like', '+1',... Twitter? Second Life

23 Copyright 2013-15 23 Currently-Available Social Media Genres 1-with-1/Few INTERACTION Tools networked text email (asynchronous) networked text chat / IM (synchronous) SMS / texting from mobile phones email-attachments, any format (asynch) voice: over Internet (VoIP, Skype) (synch) tele-conferencing (VoIP, Skype) (synch) videophone (Skype Video) (synch) video-conferencing (Skype Video) (synch) 1-to-Many BROADCAST Tools bulletin boards systems (BBS) Usenet / netnews email lists web-pages indexes (Lycos, Altavista, Google, Bing) blogs (WordPress, Blogspot) micro-blogs (Twitter, Tumblr) glogs – wearable wireless webcams, cyborg-logs, retro-nymed as 'graphical blogs' 'content communities', e.g. for images (deviantArt, Flickr and Picasa), for videos (YouTube), for slide-sets (Slideshare) closed / 'walled-garden' 'wall-postings' within SNS (Plaxo, MySpace, LinkedIn, Xing, Reddit, Facebook, Google+) 1-with-Many SHARING Tools Content Collaboration wikis (Wikipedia) social news sites (Slashdot, Newsvine) online office apps (Zoho, Google Docs, MS Live) Indicator-Sharing 'social bookmarking' (Delicious) dis/approvals (Digg's dig & bury, Reddit's up & down, StumbleUpon's thumbs-up & thumbs-down, Facebook's Like button, Google+'s +1 button) Multi-Player Networked Gaming text-based MUDDs social gaming sites (Friendster) Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs), esp. Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs), e.g. World of Warcraft online virtual worlds (Second Life) Version of Feb 2013. Add in Instagram, Pinterest,...

24 Copyright 2013-15 24 Social Media’s Business Model 'There must be a way to monetise this somehow' 'You will find something interesting here' is a self-fulfilling prophecy, because people can be enticed to contribute 'something interesting' Contributors, and the people who come after them, can be enticed to click on targeted advertisements Targeting is based on: profile-data that users supply about themselves content that they have donated their online behaviour while using the service their online behaviour more generally data that other people contribute about the user

25 Copyright 2013-15 25 A Catalogue of Social Media Privacy Concerns 1Privacy-Abusive Data Collection 2Privacy-Abusive Service-Provider Rights 3Privacy-Abusive Functionality and User Interfaces 4Privacy-Abusive Data Exploitation Source: Reviews of Media Reports 2005-11

26 Copyright 2013-15 26 1. Privacy-Abusive Data Collection Collection of User Data Users' online behaviour with and via the service Users' online behaviour, even when not using it From third parties

27 Copyright 2013-15 27 1. Privacy-Abusive Data Collection Collection of User Data Users' online behaviour with and via the service Users' online behaviour, even when not using it From third parties

28 Copyright 2013-15 28 2. Privacy-Abusive Service-Provider Rights Avoidance of Consumer Protection and Privacy Laws Location of storage and processing in data havens Location of contract-jurisdiction distant from users Ignoring of regulatory and oversight agencies Intransigence, and negotiation of mere nuisance-value fines and nominal undertakings

29 Copyright 2013-15 29 3 Privacy-Abusive Functionality, User Interfaces Privacy-Related Settings Non-conservative default settings Inadequate granularity Failure to group into Profiles Complex and unhelpful user interfaces Changes to the effects of settings, without advance notice, without any notice and/or without consent 'Real Names' Policies Denial of multiple identities Denial of anonymity Denial of pseudonymity Enforced publication of 'real name', profile data

30 Copyright 2013-15 30 4. Privacy-Abusive Data Exploitation Exposure of Data about Other People Upload of users' address-books, including: Their contact-points Comments about them By implication, their social networks Exploitation of non-users' interactions with users Disclosure of non-users' social networks

31 Copyright 2013-15 31 Location – from Added-Extra to Intrinsic Physical Address / Geo-Location Knowledge of the cell that a mobile-phone is in, is intrinsic to the service’s operation More precise geo-location is increasingly feasible Location is becoming readily available to the device Location is being acquired by service-providers Location-based services can be valuable to users A primary use is in consumer marketing For most current-round SMS, location is an extra For the coming round, Geo-Location is intrinsic Privacy sensitivity about Social Media is leaping

32 Copyright 2013-15 32 COMP 2410 – Networked Information Systems IC3 – Web 2.0 and Social Media Roger Clarke Xamax Consultancy, Canberra Visiting Professor, A.N.U. and U.N.S.W. {.ppt,.pdf} ANU RSCS, 19 March 2015

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