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Comprehensive Planning for Lake and Stream Protection Brie Begiebing Water Resources Specialist Portland Water District.

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehensive Planning for Lake and Stream Protection Brie Begiebing Water Resources Specialist Portland Water District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehensive Planning for Lake and Stream Protection Brie Begiebing Water Resources Specialist Portland Water District

2 The Problem... Some of our lakes are severely stressed by Nonpoint Source Pollution (or polluted stormwater runoff) Lakes are especially vulnerable to pollution

3 Sediments Phosphorus and other nutrients Pathogens Toxic Contaminants Debris Non Point Source Pollution Contains: Excess Algae Decreased Clarity Less Oxygen Thermal Stress And Causes :

4 Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution is the #1 water quality problem in the U.S. In most lake watersheds, about 60%-80% of pollution is from NPS!

5 Stormwater Construction Logging Fertilizer Camp Roads Septic P P P P P P

6 P - Inflow P - Outflow P P P P P P P - Inflow P P P P P P hosphorus in Lakes P - Storage

7 Canadian Experimental Lakes Area (#226) Pristine lake divided into two halves P (ppb - parts per billion) added to only one side Repeated for 8 years Source: ELA, Fisheries and Oceans Canada 10 ppb 1 ppb


9 Protects the soil from erosion Slows the runoff Traps nutrients, sediments and bacteria Natural Wetlands Raindrop Erosion Pit & Mound Topography Natural Duff Lakeside Home with Natural Buffer Protective Canopy In an undisturbed watershed natural vegetation:

10 Unfortunately many human activities not only generate pollution, they disturb this natural filter...

11 Impervious surfaces increase runoff and decrease infiltration Impervious surfaces increase runoff and decrease infiltration

12 Impervious surfaces include compacted gravel, asphalt, roofing... Water moves faster on impervious surfaces.

13 How Impervious Surfaces Change the Water Budget 50% 10% 55 % 15 % Natural Cover Developed Land 75-100% Impervious Surface Infiltration Runof f 40% Evaporation 30 %

14 Natural buffers also regulate light and temperature and provide important habitat for wildlife

15 NPS Pollution directly effects streams and the organisms that live there

16 Environmental Health Effects Reduced wildlife habitat Decline in cold water fisheries Lower water quality

17 Decline in Property Values For every 3 ft. decline in water clarity, shorefront property values can decline as much as 10- 20%. Declining property values affect individual landowners and economics of entire communities.

18 Lakes Most at Risk from Development Sebago Lake Watchic Pond Little Watchic Pond Rich Mill Pond

19 What the Comprehensive Plan can do to protect lakes and streams Call for ordinances that protect water resources Recommend the formation and funding of a conservation commission

20 Support lake protection activities by lake and road associations Support the education of residents and town officials on water quality protection methods

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