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CSC 212 – Data Structures Prof. Matthew Hertz WTC 207D / 888-2436

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1 CSC 212 – Data Structures Prof. Matthew Hertz WTC 207D / 888-2436

2 Items to Discuss Course Goals Administration Syllabus Attendance Extra credit Late work/Make-ups Working together Grades

3 Course Goals Become familiar with vital data structures Break down problems:  Design appropriate data structures  Develop appropriate solutions Compare algorithmic efficiency Deepen general facility in programming  Learn rigorous testing methods  Develop stronger debugging skills

4 Prerequisites/Corequisites Need “C” or better in CSC111 & CSC111L  Experience with Java, C++ a major plus Must also be registered in CSC212L  Lab and lectures closely linked  Plus, more time with me!

5 Textbook Michael Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia: Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2004. Available at bookstore Will cover most of the book

6 Course Website Contains handouts, lecture slides, announcements, &c. Good place to check for information May not include everything said in class

7 Syllabus Material covered in order (more or less) Detailed syllabus also on web Lectures present important details from reading and additional material not in the book Lab sections focus on practical aspects of material covered in class

8 Course Syllabus -- Topics Java review Object-oriented design Analysis of algorithms Stacks & Queues Vectors, Lists, & Sequences Trees Priority queues Maps & Dictionaries Search trees Sorting, Sets, & Selection Text processing & Tries Graphs

9 Attendance Class attendance is mandatory  Daily attendance will not be taken You are responsible for everything that happens in class Missing class is not an acceptable excuse Great way to earn a poor grade: skip class

10 Late work/Make-ups “Date due” means date due  Late work NOT accepted Make-ups will not be offered  Not needed since everyone attends class



13 Life happens When a catastrophe occurs…  Get a note from the Dean  Be prepared to show some documentation  Talk to the instructor as soon as you can We will find an workable solution

14 Working Together You must do all your own work But, please talk to one another about:  Questions you have about the material  What an assignment means  What happened in class  Non-specific problems you have with code When in doubt, ask me

15 Help! Everyone will fall behind, not understand a detail, and/or have questions  Be mature: ask questions and seek out help  Use all available resources  DO NOT leave programs to the last moment Best way to fail is to remain silent

16 Socratic Teaching I try to ask a lot of questions in class  Keeps class interesting  Even I get bored of the sound of my voice Try to answer every question  Explain the reasoning behind your answer  Hint: I already know the answer

17 Homework and Grading ItemWorth Midterm20% Final30% Projects25% Quizzes15% Lab Grade10% Midterm will be given Oct. 13 th There will be ~9 programming projects Quizzes will be given every lecture

18 Programming Environments Programming on UNIX-based computer systems  Using standard Java compiler (javac)  Use any text editor you wish Computers available in WT208  Will be used to grade assignments  “But it worked on…” will not be accepted

19 Personal Information Sheet Name: Matthew Hertz Year: 1 st year Major: Computer Science Previous Computer Experience: B in CS1 at MBHS I am in this course because: I enjoy Data Structures I chose Canisius because… I wanted to be at a school which values teaching & had students with whom I could continue my research.

20 Data Structures and Algorithms Goodrich & Tamassia (1st edition), p. 5

21 Object-Oriented Design Principles and Techniques Principles  Abstraction  Encapsulation  Modularity Techniques  Classes and Objects  Interfaces and Strong Typing  Inheritance and Polymorphism

22 Object-Oriented Design Principles and Techniques Goodrich & Tamassia (1st edition), p. 10

23 Object-Oriented Design Principles -- Modularity Goodrich & Tamassia (2 nd edition), p. 62

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