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Drinking Water, Wastewater & Water Quality Special emphasis on NC streams.

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1 Drinking Water, Wastewater & Water Quality Special emphasis on NC streams


3 Indicators of Water Quality -NC Streams 1-Chemical Ammonia Nitrates/NitritesAgricultural & Domestic Sources Phosphorus pH of natural waters = 5.6, lower means impairment Dissolved O 2 -cold temps mean high D.O. Conductivity Metals; Arsenic, Mercury, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Lead. Some are from natural mineral deposits.



6 2-Physical Stream Velocity Runs Riffles Pools Turbidity Total Dissolved Solids 3-Biotic Index High Diversity = Good Water Quality Low Diversity (lots of one or two organisms) means poor water quality



9 Benthic Macroinvertebrates


11 Non-point source pollution Sedimentation Agricultural sites Animal feedlots Croplands Stormwater runoff Contains oil, gas, pesticides, salt Metals- Even small amounts can be harmful EPA limit for Arsenic = 10 parts per billion (ppb)


13 Stormwater Runoff

14 Sedimentation in Streams

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