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Today’s Agenda: Quietly have a seat Complete student information forms About Computer Skills and Applications I & II Discuss rules & class procedures Discuss.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Agenda: Quietly have a seat Complete student information forms About Computer Skills and Applications I & II Discuss rules & class procedures Discuss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Agenda: Quietly have a seat Complete student information forms About Computer Skills and Applications I & II Discuss rules & class procedures Discuss classroom fire drill & lockdown procedures Grading Answer any questions Get to know each other activity

2 o White Packet of information is to taken home and signed by your parent or guardian. This information is due back next class period. Student Info and Student Agreement o The Student Info and Student Agreement is to be completed and turned into me today. ***Please note you will not have access to a computer until the Participation Agreement is signed.***

3 o This course is designed to provide hands on instruction in basic computer hardware components and software applications. o Communication skills and basic mathematical concepts are reinforced in this course. Keyboard ing Review Presentat ions Desktop Publishin g Spreadsh eets Database Basics Digital Literacy

4 o This course is designed to provide hands on instruction in the daily use of a computer system and appropriate software. o Basic touch typing and formatting skills. Digital Literacy Keyboarding Alphabetic, Numeric, and Symbols Spreadsheet Basics Word Processing & Desktop Publishing Basics

5 o Each student will have an assigned seat o Each student will have an assigned computer

6 o Assigned Seating o Behavior for Entering the Classroom o Turning in Late Work o Making up Work o Behavior for Leaving the Classroom o No Food, Drinks, Gum, Candy, or Lotion o Workstation Movement o Bathroom Policy

7 o Walk quietly out of the classroom in a line o Exit through the side doors by the band room. o Quietly line up in a orderly manner in the parking lot o Wait for my signal to return to building o Walk quietly back to classroom

8 o Silently sit under the computer tables on the entrance side of the classroom. o I will sweep the halls, turn off the lights, and make sure the door is locked. o It is IMPERATIVE that we remain silent during the lockdown. o No one is to talk or move until we receive notification the lockdown is over.

9 o Formal Assessments Major Quizzes, Test, and Projects are worth 55% of your grade. o Class work/Informal Assessments Informal Quizzes, Class work, Binder Checks, Home work & class participation are worth 45% of your grade.

10 oEach student will take a quarterly test oEach student will take a VoCats End-of- Course oMid-Term: 20% of your first quarter grade oEOC Exam: 25% of your Semester Grade

11 o You must come to class each day prepared with several pencils/pens, paper, agenda, and binder/notebook. o Testing is a major part of your grade. Therefore, you must keep an organized binder with all class work, handouts, homework, note cards, and class notes. This will be graded periodically throughout the semester.

12 Please check my website to keep up to date on: o Homework o Quizzes & Tests o Newsletters o Skill Building Exercises http://meghancollins.cmswiki.wikispace



15 Do NOT write your name on the card Answer the following questions: 1. City and State of where you were born… 2. What is the best thing about technology? 3. What career do you want to have when you grow up? 4. What is your favorite subject & why? 5. If you could travel to anyplace in the world where would you go? 6. Do you have any pets…if so what kind and how many? 7. If you could be any animal…what would you be and why?

16 1. How long have you been using a computer? 2. What could you teach someone to do on the computer? 3. What would you like to learn to do on the computer? 4. What is the best thing about computers? 5. What is the best thing about the internet? 6. What do you know about PowerPoint Presentations? 7. What do you already know about Publisher?

17 Have a Great Semester!

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