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Rising 6 th Grade Summer Reading Directions We look forward to hearing all about the books you read! For this activity, you will choose two different books.

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Presentation on theme: "Rising 6 th Grade Summer Reading Directions We look forward to hearing all about the books you read! For this activity, you will choose two different books."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rising 6 th Grade Summer Reading Directions We look forward to hearing all about the books you read! For this activity, you will choose two different books from the Summer Reading List and then complete this presentation for each of those books. Each book will require a plot summary and two responses. – If you do not have access to a computer, you may print these slides and complete the activity by hand. You may need to attach notebook paper to provide enough room for your paragraphs. You will be typing your responses directly onto the form provided here. Don’t worry; it’s saved as a template on our website, so you will only be able to save to you own computer or flash drive. You can’t hurt the posted version. **You must select SAVE AS (not the save icon) when you are ready to save! Type all of your responses for the first book, then save it to your computer or flash drive. You can then open this presentation again and start over for your second book. Remember, it is a plot summary and two responses per book. Before you begin, be sure to fill in the following information at the top of the form. Just click at the end of the prompt, and the text box will appear! – Your name – The book title – The author Step 1 Plot Summary: The directions are in the first box on the next slide. Once you click under the prompt, the text box will appear. It will expand as you type. Be sure the font size is 11 or larger, and do not type beyond the box borders. Step 2 Prompts: You will choose two prompts from the four choices that are given. This box will explain the general requirements of a “paragraph.” There is not a sentence count requirement; you need to use as many sentences as it takes to sufficiently answer the prompt. You may use the same prompts for both books or select different ones. The space for your responses are on the last slide. Remember to fill in the option # at the top of the box for each response. Once you click to enter the option #, the text box will open allowing you to type. REMEMBER TO USE “SAVE AS” INSTEAD OF “SAVE”

2 Summer Reading Response Book Title: Student name : Step 1: Plot : Write a plot summary of the main events in your book. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 2 : Select any two of the prompts below. Write a well-developed paragraph for each prompt that you select. This means that your paragraph should have a catchy lead/hook, a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence. Be sure to address all parts of the prompt. “Go green” by providing examples, explanations, and evidence. Paragraphs lacking specific details and examples will not receive full credit. All responses should fit into the space provided, so choose your words carefully! You will type each of these responses on the second page of this document. Option #1 Recommendation: Write a book review for next year’s sixth g rade class. Would you recommend this book? Why or why not? Be sure to include specific details about whether or not you liked the characters as well as if you felt the plot was interesting. Be sure to explain why you feel the way you do. Include specific examples, evidence, and details from the book to support your opinion. Option #2 P.S.: Write an epilogue (a one-paragraph explanation of what will happen after the story ends). Be sure to explain what will happen to the main character(s) and what leads you to believe this would be a reasonable prediction. Support your answer with specific examples, evidence, and details from the book. Option #3 Response: Select what you consider to be the most important word, line, image, object, OR event in the book. What makes this stand out? Be sure to explain in what way it is important to the story or a particular character. Use specific examples, evidence, and details from the book to support your answer. Option #4 Quote : Select a sentence in which you learn something important about a character’s personality. This sentence can be part of dialogue or not. Copy the statement directly from the book. Explain what you learn about the character from that statement and how the statement supports your conclusion. Use specific examples, evidence, and details from the book. Step 1: Plot : Write a plot summary of the main events in your book. Book Author:

3 REMEMBER TO USE “SAVE AS” Paragraph 1: Option #_____ Paragraph 2: Option #_____

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