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Zehra Syed. Copyright Penalties aren’t fun… Civil lawsuits in federal district courts range from $750 to $30,000 and even possible jail time. Usually.

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Presentation on theme: "Zehra Syed. Copyright Penalties aren’t fun… Civil lawsuits in federal district courts range from $750 to $30,000 and even possible jail time. Usually."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zehra Syed

2 Copyright Penalties aren’t fun… Civil lawsuits in federal district courts range from $750 to $30,000 and even possible jail time. Usually with the Internet and global databases, people forget the importance of giving credit where its deserved.

3 “Fair Use” Fair use is a restriction on the exclusive rights of copyright holders. Copyright protection for a work begins when the work is fixed in some sort of "tangible form." This included writing, typing to paper, and saving it on a computer.

4 Fair Use Conditions Clear, cut. Determined by a judge on a case to case basis. Copyright infringement is almost always civil rather than a criminal matter.

5 Making sure your classroom adheres to copyright regulations. Have your students always cite their sources. The licenses are being used in the classroom. Make sure your students know the importance of plagiarism.

6 Correctly cite your work Make sure you have students gather all the information on the author, the publisher, year, and any other information that might be relevant to the source they used.

7 Musical Use Using the music for classroom purposes and educational purposes is considered fair use because no copyright infringement is intended. Although most guidelines are the same there may be a piece of music that may have different guidelines. Have a license and purchase music when using it.

8 Film Guidelines Using a video in the classroom must be preapproved or bought and acknowledged for that purpose. It is intended for face-to-face instruction. Handle instructions with care and comply with purchase and rental agreements.

9 TV Programs When you use television shows that have been recorded for an educational purpose, you want to make sure that a copy has been purchased from the holder. Every time you use that program, you must have permission again.

10 Being smart in your classroom about copyrights. As teachers, most of the time you have to get a license to use the materials and resources you need. Make sure you get the correct documentation and permission from the copyright holder.

11 When posting things on a website.. The author should make sure that they identify a correct symbol or trademark along with a notice stating the owner/author and copyright. EX: Such as Continental Airlines, Continental Baggage (etc.)

12 Learn it all!!! As educators, we are constantly making sure we know the latest materials and tools in the classroom. That goes for copyright information as well. We are responsible to instill these important rules in our students

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