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WELCOME TO CIVIL PROCEDURE! Prof. Susanna Frederick Fischer Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America 202-319-5568

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO CIVIL PROCEDURE! Prof. Susanna Frederick Fischer Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America 202-319-5568"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO CIVIL PROCEDURE! Prof. Susanna Frederick Fischer Columbus School of Law The Catholic University of America 202-319-5568 Class 1: 8/25/2003 TA – Daniel Herbst (2D)

2 THE STUDY OF LAW There was a man in our town and he was wondrous wise: he jumped into a BRAMBLE BUSH and scratched out both his eyes-- and when he saw that he was blind, with all his might and main he jumped into another one and scratched them in again - Karl Llewellyn, The Bramble Bush (1960)

3 CUA: A COMMUNITY OF SCHOLARS Friendship Faculty Food

4 TODAY’S CLASS - GOALS Learn what is Civil Procedure, why it’s an important and interesting course, and what you’ll study in the course. Learn about the scope and purpose of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure by studying Rule 1 of the FRCP Course policies/procedures

5 What’s Civil Procedure? CIVIL (not criminal) PROCEDURE (not substantive)

6 Importance of procedure Rule 1 FRCP: The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure “shall be construed and administered to secure the JUST, SPEEDY, and INEXPENSIVE resolution of every action.”

7 Why is Civil Procedure Important and Interesting? Tested on state bar exams You can’t understand substantive law without understanding procedure. Civil Procedure is an introduction to the legal system and profession Civil Procedure introduces many important legal skills Civil Procedure involves values

8 Sources of Procedure Rules promulgated by the courts Legislation Cases that interpret the rules and legislation

9 SCOPE of the FRCP Where do these rules apply?

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