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The entrance antiphon to today’s mass gives intones: Lord you love everything that exists… you overlook the sins of men. Let us reflect on the fact.

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5 The entrance antiphon to today’s mass gives intones: Lord you love everything that exists… you overlook the sins of men. Let us reflect on the fact that God’s mercy is a call for each of us to come back to him, not with pride like the haughty and the arrogant, but with humbled and contrite hearts. Metanoia means conversion. All conversion begins with the thought that “I am not God” as we profess our faith in him.

6 Continuing on the importance of conversion, we are to fix our gaze on Christ who looks at the Father, and presents us as his brothers and sisters. Furthermore, when we gaze on the splendor of Christ, who was bruised and bloodied for us, we see that he carried our sins and offered them as the perfect sacrifice of atonement, and all of this is accomplished in the heart of the Church. For as St. Paul says “I make up in my body what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ, for the sake of his body, the Church.” Let us remember that Christ still suffers in his Mystical Body, in our needy brothers and sisters throughout the world. Let us remember them often this Lent.

7 A joyful aspect of the penitential season of Lent. A joyful Word addressed by the Lord. It is He who implores us with all tenderness: « Return to me with all your heart. » Like the Father, he waits for us, he longs for us. Lent is a time to rediscover His tenderness, His mercy and His love.

8 St. Paul pleads to us: Let us be reconciled with God. Love and be loved, because that is what you are.

9 Holy mother Church gives us some traditional ways to accomplish this reconciliation




13 I am like ashes when I allow jealousy that despoils my friendship; when I allow selfishness to swallow me and fill my heart with thoughts against my neighbor; when I forget to strengthen my trust in you! Despite the fact that I am ashes, Lord, within theses ashes, You know me, and You perceive me.

14 As I rest, my embers are still smouldering, waiting to be animated.

15 Lord, light my embers, in order that they may burn again, alive and joyful. Rekindle the flame of my love for you and for my neighbors.


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