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Values Key A) Equality B) Tolerance C) Tradition D) Courage E) Innovation F) Helping G) Recognition H) Pleasure I) Leadership J) Belonging K) Integrity.

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Presentation on theme: "Values Key A) Equality B) Tolerance C) Tradition D) Courage E) Innovation F) Helping G) Recognition H) Pleasure I) Leadership J) Belonging K) Integrity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Values Key A) Equality B) Tolerance C) Tradition D) Courage E) Innovation F) Helping G) Recognition H) Pleasure I) Leadership J) Belonging K) Integrity L) Competence M) Compassion N) Justice O) Opportunity P) Personal Growth Q) Risk R) Freedom S) Power T) Spiritual Growth U) Obligation V) Friendship W) Community X) Responsibility Y) Family Create your own Personal Values Statement using your three most important values and their meanings Ex: I believe everyone should have the same opportunities and rights. I believe everyone should be entitled to express different ideas and points of view. I respect and value those who stand up for their beliefs. I value equality, tolerance and courage

2 Culminating Activity Grade 10 Civics Mr Nyman

3 What do I hope to learn from this project? (learning goals) You will learn more about the contributions of other citizens and why they are important You will become more aware of social and civic issues You will understand your responsibilities as a citizen better

4 After completing this project what are some things I will be able to use? (real world applications) Skills I can use now and in the future: Research skills Organizational skills Computer skills Communication skills Teamwork skills Gaining Knowledge: From my own research From listening to other’s presentations

5 Evaluation Part of Term – 3 Assignments – Values – Research – Outline Final Evaluation – Presentation Oral component Visual component – 30%

6 Values Make groups Discuss values Connect values to possible presentation topics Choose a topic

7 Research Use your textbook to research the civic importance of your topic Find an article or Websites on your topic Find or create something audio or visual for your presentation: – Videos – Photographs – Interviews – Songs/Music

8 Outline Choose all essential parts of your presentation Put them in a logical order Decide who is responsible for each part of the presentation make sure that the work is divided equitably

9 The Presentation Each group must link their topic to their values Each person in the group must choose one link to Civics and explain that link Each group must use something visual: – PowerPoint or Prezi or a video you have made – Photographs and / or a youtube video you have found

10 How do I link it to Civics? – Global Citizenship – Canadian Citizenship – The United Nations – Federal government – Provincial government – Municipal Government – Legislative Branch – Executive Branch – Judicial Branch – Civil Society – Activism – Essential Services – Democracy – Rule of law – Ideology – Common good – Rights and responsibilities – Rights and limitations – Charter of Rights and Freedoms – Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Other: anything in your text book

11 Possible Topics Charities Political figures or Activists People working in civil service (firefighters, war veterans) Political Issues Social Awareness Issues

12 Student Video Samples: Great research and finds on youtube A youtube video from the “Children’s Wish Foundation - Darcy” (right click below and choose open hyperlink) A youtube video explaining the revolution in Egypt by a 12 year old revolutionary boy, 2013 old&FORM=HDRSC3#view=detail&mid=BF5F7B95BD1946E25E93B F5F7B95BD1946E25E93

13 Student video samples: Self made videos done through interviews Students interviewing a police officer and fire fighter Students interviewing a variety of people on the topic of feminism Immigration


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