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The Spark - Beginning of World War One Assassination ! “Death to the Tyrant!” * Archduke Francis Ferdinand and wife Sophie (heir to the Austrian/Hungarian.

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2 The Spark - Beginning of World War One Assassination ! “Death to the Tyrant!” * Archduke Francis Ferdinand and wife Sophie (heir to the Austrian/Hungarian throne) * June 1914 - Sarajevo (Bosnia) * Gavrilo Princip (Black Hand - Serbian Nationalist )

3 Declaration of War - Beginning of World War One Austrian Ultimatum Austrian Ultimatum – Check w/Germany first to see if they have back up. * Serbian appeal for Russian help. Slavic support * Russian Mobilization Germany demand to cease. Reason? * Declaration of War - August 1914 Serbia - King Peter (Slavic) Austria - Franz Joseph Germany - Wilhelm II Russia - Nicholas II (Slavic)

4 Background - Beginning of World War One * Inquiry - Review the locations of nations belonging to the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente. What problem did Germany face if war broke out in 1914? * Define: Mobilization/Standing Army

5 The Schlieflen Plan - Beginning of World War One * War Strategy of General Alfred Von Schllieffen: - Invade France through neutral Belgium (This brings in Britain, Belgium is an ally) - Defeat France within 6 weeks – before the time needed for Russia to mobilization. - Transport Western Front forces to east and defeat Russia.

6 Sides/Fronts - Beginning of World War One Allied Powers (Entente) * France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy Central Powers (Triple All.) * Germany, Austria/Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire Fronts - Western/Eastern * First Battle of the Marne Stalemate * Difference between fronts Trench Warfare

7 Machine gun and artillery made remaining on surface impossible Each side created huge networks of trenches, easy to defend, very difficult to take. Life in the trenches: –Poor food and medical care –Little sleep –Trenchfoot –Cold Russian Soldier

8 War in the Industrial Age Industrialization allowed better farming techniques– population boom Industrialization allowed nations to organize, train, and equip millions of men Industrialization allowed nations to kill millions and lose millions, yet still keep fighting New means of slaughter –Machine Gun –Artillery –Poison Gas British Munitions Factory

9 Russia Withdrawals from War Food and fuel shortages in Russia due to the war caused civil unrest forced Nicholas II to step down. March 1917 New government promised to continue the fight, but 8 months later the soldiers refused to fight anymore. Nov. 1917, Communist leader, Vladimir Lenin, seized power and wanted a truce with Germany. March 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed. Germany could now focus on the Western Front.

10 U.S. Enters the War U.S. makes billions from selling goods to the British and French. Germany practices unrestricted submarine warfare. (Sinking the Lusitania, 1200 dead, 128 Americans) Zimmerman note- Telegraph from German foreign secretary, Arthur Zimmerman, stating that Germany would help Mexico “reconquer” the lands they lost if Mexico would ally itself with Germany. April 2, 1917, U.S. declares war on Germany, joins the Allies.

11 The Treaty of Versailles Nov. 9 Kaiser Wilhem II Steps down Nov. 11, 1918 Armistice Wilson and the 14 points- No secret treaties, self determination (choose their own government) and League of Nations Allies refused to lift economic sanctions until Germans sign a treaty Feb. 1919 Germans met at Weimar, and drafted a new constitution, the Weimar Republic is formed. Treaty of Versailles- Germany had to take blame for the war. Must pay reparations. Clemenceau wanted to punish Germany, reparations really gave the new Weimar government in Germany no chance to succeed. Lloyd-George, Clemenceau, Wilson At Versailles

12 Consequences of the War 37.5 million casualties, over 10 million dead An entire generation of European men were wiped out on the battlefield. France and Britain owed billions of $ to the U.S. Germany owed billions to the victors in reparations European Economies devastated Ruined French Church

13 Territorial changes after the Treaty of Versailles

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