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War Erupts! The Civil War Chapter 16. First Shots at Fort Sumter!

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1 War Erupts! The Civil War Chapter 16

2 First Shots at Fort Sumter!

3 *Southern states began seceding from the Union!! *State officials took over most federal forts inside their borders. *One was Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. *It was running low on supplies.

4 *Lincoln knew that supplying the fort might lead to war, but if he withdrew troops, rebels would take it. *Lincoln decided to send supplies! *Confederate leaders responded by attacking the fort on April 12th, 1861. *Lincoln called on Northerners to put down the rebellion.

5 *Southern states reacted angrily and seceded from the Union! *The Confederacy was happy to have Virginia: large and wealthy state. Also home to Robert E. Lee, a talented/respected military leader. *Confederacy’s capital: Richmond, VA

6 Confederate General Robert E. Lee

7 Choosing Sides: Strengths and Weaknesses: *Border states: Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri were slave states that bordered the North. *B/c of their resources and location, these states could tip the scales toward one side of the war! *All four states stayed in the Union. *In all – 24 states made up the Union. *11 states joined the Confederacy.


9 Union Advantages: (North) *More than twice as many citizens than the South. *More than 80 percent of the nation’s factories were located in the North. *President Lincoln was a very able leader.

10 Confederate Advantages: (South) *Great generals, including Robert E. Lee. *Dedicated soldiers ready to defend their homes and families.

11 Confederate Strategy: *Didn’t want to conquer the North! Only wanted to be independent! *Hoped to win foreign support by using cotton *South grew most of the cotton for Europe’s textile mills. *Southern planters withheld cotton from the market hoping to force France and Britain to their aid.

12 *France and Britain had a surplus of cotton and did not help the Confederacy and Europe had NO involvement in the war!

13 Union Strategy: *Goal: Bring Southern states back into Union. *Anaconda Plan!! North would squeeze the Southern economy like a giant anaconda snake smothering its prey.

14 Anaconda Plan

15 *Plan: naval blockade of the South’s coastline to prevent the transportation of goods or people into or out of an area. *Also gain control of Miss. river to split the Confederacy in two.

16 Battle of Bull Run: *Summer 1861: Lincoln ordered invasion of Virginia *Goal: conquer Richmond (capital). *Battle happened next to river called Bull Run. *Confederacy won! Thrilled South! Shocked North! *North realized it had underestimated its opponent *Lincoln began to prepare for a long war.

17 Life in the Army Ch. 16, Section 2

18 Who Fought

19 *In all, about 3 million Americans fought. -Roughly 2 million served the Union. -Just under 1 million served the Confederacy. *Majority of soldiers between the ages of 18 and 30. *Majority born in the U.S.

20 *Immigrants from other countries served both sides. *Native Americans also served both sides. *As conflict wore on, North allowed African Americans to serve.

21 Why Did They Enlist? *Many were volunteers. *Enlisted for a variety of reasons: -sought adventure and glory -escape a life of boredom -fought for loyalty -the recruitment money *Hours of drills and exercises each day, dug trenches, cut firewood, and cleaned camp.

22 *Union soldiers: blue uniforms *Confederate soldiers: gray uniforms *Rations included: beef or salt pork, flour, vegetables, and coffee. *Battlefield: more limited. Some soldiers went hungry b/c supply trains could not reach them.

23 Hardships of Army Life *Fields: wet, muddy, and cold. *Camps: unclean due to piled up garbage and outdoor toilets. *Soldiers filthy going weeks without bathing or washing their clothes. *Became overrun with fleas and lice.

24 *Hygiene: conditions and practices that promote health was poor during the war. *Widespread sickness! Diseases killed more soldiers during the Civil War than battle wounds.

25 Changes in Military Technology: *Military technology advances led to higher death rates for both sides. 1. Development of the rifle - gun with a grooved barrel causing a bullet to spin giving it more distance and accuracy.


27 2. Minie Ball – bullet with a hollow base – expands upon firing to fit the grooves of the barrel. 3. Ironclad – warship covered with iron. These ships could withstand attack better than wooden ships. Union Ironclad: Monitor fought the Confederate ironclad: Merrimack. (no clear winner)




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