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A New, Robust and Extremely Versatile Sand Control Screen SPE Technical Lunch 3 November, 2011 Calgary, Alberta, Canada Thane G. Russell, P.Eng,, Vice.

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Presentation on theme: "A New, Robust and Extremely Versatile Sand Control Screen SPE Technical Lunch 3 November, 2011 Calgary, Alberta, Canada Thane G. Russell, P.Eng,, Vice."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New, Robust and Extremely Versatile Sand Control Screen SPE Technical Lunch 3 November, 2011 Calgary, Alberta, Canada Thane G. Russell, P.Eng,, Vice President Technology Absolute Completion Technologies

2 Functions of a Sand Control Screen 1.Prevent harmful formation sand from entering the wellbore. 2.Minimize restriction of oil production

3 Well Construction Trends 1.More wells per pad 2.Tighter trajectories 3.Larger diameters 4.Longer laterals Can your sand screen survive this?

4 Desirable Sand Screen Properties 1.High mechanical strength 2.Longevity 3.Insensitive to PSD variations 4.High plugging resistance 5.Adequate open flow area (OFA) 6.Low cost Is there a screen that meets these criteria?

5 Conventional Sand Screens

6 FACS Flush Absolute Cartridge System

7 FACS Sand Control Screen

8 1.Premium Sintered Mesh discs flush-mounted and tightly secured into the base pipe 2.Wide range of micron ratings available (60-800) 3.2D square or 3D triangular weaves 4.Two disc sizes (1” dia x 0.25”; 3/4” dia x 0.17”) 5.Available in 316L or Inconel (A20, A625) 6.Variable open flow area (0–23% OFA) via # discs FACS Features

9 1.Open Flow Area (hence cost) can be tailored to well productivity 2.Same sand retention media as used worldwide in Premium screens (but 3 times thicker) 3.Sand retention media is corrosion resistant 4.Cost competitive to Slotted Liner for same OFA but 2-4 x stronger in some load modes 5.Discs can be plugged with dissolvable material to circulate/float screen to TD. 6.Robust—can be handled like casing. FACS Advantages

10 Mechanical Strength Evaluations Slotted Liner (2007) FACS (2008) SPE 117486 (FEA) WHOC 2009-373 (Testing) World Oil June 2007 Third-Party (C-FER) Studies

11 Common Failure Modes Compression:Collapse: Caliper Log Torsion:

12 Torsion Strength

13 Torsion + Compression + Bending

14 Collapse Strength

15 Disc Pop-out Pressure (“Burst”)

16 Full-Scale Thermal-Mechanical Test Worst-case operational scenario from FEA analysis: 1.Screen is heated up to 275 °C in wellbore and expands freely. 2.Formation packs around screen thereby confining it from expanding/contracting freely. 3.Steaming is interrupted and wellbore cools to ambient conditions thereby generated large tensile forces.

17 Full-Scale Thermal-Mechanical Test C-FER Test Procedure: 1.Heat 7” FACS joint to 275 °C unconstrained. 2.Clamp joint at both ends. 3.Allow to cool to 50 °C while monitoring stress/strain and surface deformation (optically). Conclusions: 1.FACS can handle the worst-case operational scenario for SAGD. See WHOC 2009-373

18 Sand Retention Mechanisms Gap is sized to the larger particles, and sand retention relies on arching across the gap.

19 Methods of Choosing Gap Size MethodProsCons 1) Published correlations based on PSD parameters (e.g., D10, D50, D40/D90) ● Low cost ● Fast ● Not always reliable 2) Lab Testing on core sands ● Reliable ● Slow and expensive ● Reliable for sand(s) tested 3) Master Curves (based on lab testing) ● Reliable for most PSDs ● Cost effective ● Some uncertainties Lab test coupons:

20 PSDs from One Well (SAGD field) Which PSD(s) to choose for the lab tests?

21 FACS Sand Retention Tests

22 PSDs of Sands Tested

23 New 3D Weaves for FacsRite Conventional Premium Weaves 3D NameMicron Rating Air Perm for 3D Weave Air Perm for Conventional Weave Fine1251310600 Medium2201472750 Coarse48519501200

24 FACS 3D Weave Results


26 FACS Field Experience FACS 650 °C THAI

27 FACS THAI Experience 1.First Installed Q3, 2009 2.FACS experienced temperatures 650+ °C 3.Still producing without failure 4.Client has since ordered for 12+ more THAI wells 5.Performance data is confidential

28 FACS SAGD Experience 1.First SAGD installation: 2010 in a producer well. 2.Client very pleased with low pressure drop. 3.Client has since ordered for 9+ more wells. 4.Four SAGD clients have ordered over 25 wells, 4 of which will be plugged with dissolvable material to circulate to TD.

29 Advantages of FACS 1)Robust in all SAGD installation/operation modes 2)Variable open flow area to 23 % 3)Premium sand retention (2D or 3D) 4)Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA) discs 5)Discs easily pluggable to circulate/float to TD 6)Field proven in THAI (650 C) and SAGD (275 C)

30 Thank You! Questions?

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