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Where Innovation Is Tradition How Can OEDS Assist Your Department in Finding Excellent Diverse Faculty? 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Where Innovation Is Tradition How Can OEDS Assist Your Department in Finding Excellent Diverse Faculty? 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where Innovation Is Tradition How Can OEDS Assist Your Department in Finding Excellent Diverse Faculty? 1

2 Where Innovation Is Tradition How Can OEDS Assist -- Planning the Search Available to meet with hiring authorities to provide strategies in targeted recruitment Work w/Dept developing a targeted recruitment strategy –OEDS can help find appropriate, affordable targeted recruiting resources Affinity Groups (i.e. Caucus for Women in Statistics, National Association of Black Accountants, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science) Fellowships can add to diversity strategy—assist in identifying recruitment opportunities Identify strategic individuals to inform of opening OEDS can provide information on ways to target underrepresented groups 2

3 Where Innovation Is Tradition How Can OEDS Assist -- Planning the Search Work w/Dept developing a targeted recruitment strategy Ad— –Job description should realistically reflect the full range of skills and knowledge needed (Broad—allows for greater flexibility) –Studies show increase in diversity in applicant pool when referenced in ad “Demonstrated ability to work with diverse population” “Positive consideration given to candidates’ research agenda that enhance understanding of race, ethnicity, gender” “The department values diversity as a factor in academic excellence.” 3

4 Where Innovation Is Tradition Assistance Continued Will review info on pool as search moves forward to monitor diversity Provide feedback to department on successful targeted recruiting resources Post recruitment interviews with those hired, including those from underrepresented groups. If possible, pursue interviews with those who declined offer—provide feedback to dept. Provide counsel to search committee chair as issues arise 4

5 Where Innovation Is Tradition Hiring Authorities Have a realistic timeline Consider diversity when forming search committees Emphasize the importance of a diverse applicant pool when charging committee Networking—recruiting at conferences Encourage search chair contact OEDS to implement targeted recruitment strategy and to schedule a search briefing 5

6 Where Innovation Is Tradition On-Campus Visit Include a broad representation of the department so that the candidate can interact with individuals form a variety of backgrounds Help candidates get a sense of campus and local community (local resource packet-HR) 6

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