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National Institute of Population Studies Islamabad.

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Presentation on theme: "National Institute of Population Studies Islamabad."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Institute of Population Studies Islamabad

2 Scope of Work Demographic and health surveys Evaluation of various components of Population Welfare Programme Population Projections Training

3 Coverage Demographic and Health Surveys (National Level) Evaluation of FP Programme Components (National Level) Population Projections (National and Provincial levels) Training (Population programme personnel, Health programme & NGOs,

4 Periodicity Demographic and Health Surveys – After every 3-4 years Evaluative surveys/studies – On the request of MoPW Population Projections – Periodic, on the request of Planning Commission Training – Occasional but being made regular

5 Type of data collected

6 Characteristics of Households and Respondents Household composition Age-sex composition of the household population Marital status Educational attainment Housing characteristics Possession of durable goods at HH level Exposure to mass media

7 Fertility Fertility levels and trends Children ever born Birth intervals Age at first birth Teenage fertility Desire for children Sex preference for children Ideal family size Fertility planning Consanguineous marriages

8 Reproductive Health Antenatal, delivery and postnatal care InfertilityAbortion AIDS/RTIs and STDs Health of women

9 Family Planning Knowledge of family planning methods and sources Contraceptive use Knowledge of the fertile period Age at sterilisation Sources of supply and accessibility of contraception Cost of contraception Attitude of couples towards family planning Family planning messages on electronic media Acceptability of family planning messages on electronic media Intentions about future use of contraception Reasons for non-use of contraception Unmet need for family planning

10 Infant, Child health and Mortality Levels and trends in infant and child mortality Differentials in infant and child mortality Causes of death in early childhood High-risk fertility behaviour Immunisation of children Breastfeeding practices Nutritional status of children Indirect and direct estimation of maternal mortality Causes of maternal mortality

11 Collection Procedure Representative sample by FBS Household interviews (Ever married women of reproductive age-15-49 years) Pre-coded questionnaires Male / Female Interviewers (mostly post- graduates selected from respective areas) Qualitative studies (Focus group discussions, in-depth interviewers)

12 Compilation of Data Data entry software – (FOXPRO; PC edit; Microsoft Access; CSPro etc) Data analysis is done through SPSS Data analysis is done through SPSS

13 Dissemination Process Dissemination Seminars Distribution of reports through mail Soft copies of data set on request


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