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Unit 2 Outline Chapter 5 (1 week) Chapter 6 (1 week +)

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1 Unit 2 Outline Chapter 5 (1 week) Chapter 6 (1 week +)
Sections 1-3 normal Fast Section 4 (Just Guided Reading Review & Essentials) Skip Section 5 Chapter 6 (1 week +) All Sections 1-4 Chapter 7 (3-4 days) All Sections; Shortened Test/Quiz Chapter 8 (Skimmed) Just Guided Reading Worksheets and Quizzes turned in for test grade Chapter 9 (Skipped) Read Chapter in Brief (pg.235) Complete Guide to Essentials Unit Test

2 Bell Work Bell Work Get Books Get Study guide, worksheets
Promptly find seat for attendance Have pen/pencil, notes ready for lesson

3 What is a political Party?
Group of people who seek to control govt. by winning elections and holding political offices Often looking to secure offices to change certain public policies and programs Two major parties today!? Democrats Republicans

4 Functions of Political Parties
Major political parties have helped shape the way govt. works and are an important link b.t. people and their govt. Five major functions…..I said Five!!!! Nominate Candidates Select candidates for public offices then present them to the voters for election Inform and Activate Supporters Try to inspire and activate interest and participation. Campaign for candidates, take stands on issues, and criticize opponents

5 Functions of Political Parties
Act as bonding Agents To be a successful party their candidates need to perform well, so the parties try and get well qualified, and high character people What if candidates didn’t have to perform well for their parties? They wouldn’t get re-elected by the people! Governing Agents Elected officials are regularly elected based on party and parties have certain policies/standards Watchdogs Act as overseers of the publics business, esp. when not the party in power.

6 One More? Major political parties tend to:
Unify the people through compromise Compromise is encouraged among different interests and groups to meet the majority of needs for the people.

7 Partisanship? Partisanship:
Strong support of their party and its policy standards (often how much of congress is ran) Public officeholders/officials are chosen based on party allegiance (think cabinet) Parties serve as the bridges for the legislative and executive branches to work together.

8 Party in Power Party that controls the executive branch at the state and/or national levels What is our states? Dave Heineman: Republican Nations? Obama: Democrat

9 4 reasons for a 2 party system
Historical Basis Began as a two party system: Split over how much power the Central Govt. should have Force of Tradition Started w/ and always has been 2 parties Just widely accepted b/c no other known ways Electoral System Direction of the election process works in its direction Single-Member districts discourage minor parties American Ideological Consensus Broad agreement on fundamental matters encourages only two parties to argue “little things” Single member districts Only 1 person is elected to each office on the ballot This narrows peoples choices to usually the person in office or the candidate of the party w/ the best chance to win b/c they often see voting for a “minor party” as a wasted vote

10 “Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely!”
Lesson Closing L-J #1 Work on Worksheets Read some of Ch. 5 Finalize Tic-Tac-Toe Projects “Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely!”

11 Bell Work Bell work Answer these questions
Get books, folders, and notes Answer these questions 4 reasons for a 2 party system? History, tradition, electoral system, ideological consensus Major Parties? Democrats/Republican Party in power Party in charge of executive office Five Functions of a Political Party Nominate Inform and Activate Support Bonding Agent Governing Agent Watchdog

12 Multiparty System Vocabulary:
System in which several major and many lesser parties exist and compete for office Affect govt. because they can provide the electorate (voters) with more choices Can also lead to instability b/c often doesn’t get the MAJORITY of peoples support Still denied by U.S. voters/parties

13 One Party System Political system in which only one party really exists Basically a dictatorship Affects govt. b/c they don’t have to answer to anyone in terms of major policy ideas. Only the ruling party can participate in politics! “makes it hard for a change of guard”

14 Membership Patterns Membership is purely voluntary in the 2 party system Recent Trends Republicans White males, protestants, and the business community Democrats African Americans, Catholics, Jews, and union members

15 Membership Patterns Family Major Events Economic Status Etc.
One of the most important reason people identify themselves with a party 2/3 Americans follow parents party allegiance Major Events Civil War, Great Depression, 9/11 all have major impacts on party preference Economic Status Historically high income= republican; low income = democrat Etc. Voting behavior, age, residence, level of education, work environment all can play factors as well

16 S.3: Origins of Political parties in U.S.
2 party system can be traced to the battle over how to ratify the constitution Broken into Federalists and Anti-federalists Creation of the Federalists Liberal interpretation of constitution Strong National Govt. through executive branch Formation of the Democrats Started as Anti-federalists Strict interpretation of the constitution and Congress to control most of national govt. (more indiv. Rights)

17 Lesson Closing Look up and answer any vocab from section 2 that wasn’t covered L-J#2 Work on Worksheet packets

18 Friday: Bell Work Review Get ready for lecture/notes Get books/folders
Know 4 reason for 2-party system 5 functions of Party 2 original parties and what they split over Get ready for lecture/notes

19 3 Major Periods of Single-party Domination
Era of the Democrats ( ) Democratic domination until the Civil War Won 13 of 15 Presidential elections and controlled congress Factions came about from major issues that led to the Republican party Era of the Republicans ( ) Supported by business/financial interests, newly freed African Americans Won 14 of 18 Elections and controlled congress Return of the Democrats ( ) Ushered in by the Great Depression Won 7 of 10 Elections and controlled congress

20 Current Era of Govt. Era of Divided Govt. (1968- present)
Republicans have won 7 of last eleven elections Hold White house Democrats have controlled both houses of congress throughout much of this era Held control of both white house and congress during Bush presidency Congress taken back by Democrats in 2006 So who controls both congress and white house? Democrats

21 Minor Parties in the U.S No real chance of winning, but can still play a major role in politics Four Main types Ideological Those parties based on a certain set of beliefs Historically built on Marxist thoughts: Socialism Single-Issue Focus on one public policy: Dies out when issue is over Opposition to slavery, immigration, abortion all examples Economic Protest Appear during times of economic displeasure Also known to disappear when economy replenishes Splinter Parties Parties split away from major parties Most of the important minor parties fall under this type

22 Why are minor parties important?
Most importantly play a role of critic and innovator Often take stands on issues avoided by the major parties; often forcing their hands during campaigns Many important issues came up from minor parties Can influence elections by stealing/splitting votes from major parties.

23 Lesson Closing L-J #3 (1-20)
Answer in Paragraph Interpreting Graphs on page 134. Due at end of period Guide to essentials answers in complete sentences Work on X-Word Due Monday! Turn in Projects!!

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