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Establishing a Successful Research Program Barb Morrongiello, Dept. of Psychology Brian Husband, Dept. of Integrative Biology

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Presentation on theme: "Establishing a Successful Research Program Barb Morrongiello, Dept. of Psychology Brian Husband, Dept. of Integrative Biology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Establishing a Successful Research Program Barb Morrongiello, Dept. of Psychology ( Brian Husband, Dept. of Integrative Biology (

2 General Factors That Affect Research Success - BM Understanding expectations of UG/Dept/Discipline Resources you need Setting goals based on expectations Developing a research program structure to meet goals Identify needs and build research capacity Identify constraints on/barriers to making progress Personal attributes Adopt habits of self-reflection and evaluation AND be willing to make changes

3 Communication with admin & other faculty – DOE negotiated to support a research focus – Resources they can provide (reduced teaching? mentoring you with grants?) Expectations of your discipline – Peers and respected colleagues Expectations of funding agencies (e.g. Tricouncil) – Kinds of Research activities they value/fund – Scholarly contributions – Training environment Identify & Understand Institutional Expectations - BH

4 Define broad research goals; ideal balance of research activities (multiple projects) Research Portfolio (major vs minor, fundamental vs applied, short vs long term) – Opportunities for range of HQP to contribute to productivity – Sustained research productivity – Resilience to vagaries of funding, research success Identify research needs (infrastructure, funding, personnel, collaborators) Clarify Research Aspirations - BM

5 Short (this term), medium (this year) and long- term (within ½ years) goals – Use a calendar to formalize goals x timeline Timelines for – Establishing infrastructure (space, eqt, grants) – Building research capacity (grads, undergrads, RA) – Publishing/Presenting findings Develop Plan for Achieving Goals - BH

6 Attracting students Competing for funding Acquiring space and equipment infrastructure USE YOUR RESOURCES for guidance/help: UG research office, more senior colleagues in your dept, past mentors, etc. Building Capacity - BH

7 Know thyself – Strengths, weaknesses, skill gaps Find solutions to fill gaps, address weaknesses Balancing demands: – work-life balance – teaching – service commitments Identify & Manage Barriers - BM

8 Use indicators of success, past goals Seek honest feedback from peers, Chair, Dean Opportunities to re-evaluate and adjust – Learn from every failure/disappointment Adjust goal? – Scope? Realistic? – Timeline needs adjusting? Address gap? – New/different personnel? – New/better infrastructure? Reflect on Past Activities and Directions- BM

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